Figure 13
(a) Experimental setup for the XAS measurement. (b)–(e) Spatial distributions of the absorption coefficient of the naturally grown a-TiO2 single crystal taken at photon energies of 534.2 eV and 458.4 eV. The sample orientation and the scan range are the same as that for the PES measurement (Fig. 11 ). The scan interval was set to 0.25 mm. The image was mapped with an acquisition time of ∼25 min. The spectra were obtained by measuring the sample drain current [(b) and (c)] or by counting the photoelectrons that were emitted in the grazing direction [(d) and (e)]. The bold lines in panels (b)–(e) show the spectral intensities along the same spatial line as the one measured by the PES [black line in Fig. 11 (b)]. The images were taken at room temperature. |