Figure 1
Schematic representation of the multimodal X-ray microscopy experimental setup. KB mirrors focus X-rays down to a focal spot of about 70 nm and with a 1.2 mrad divergence. The sample is mounted on a motor stack enabling xyz translation and θ, φ rotation, i.e. around the x and y axes, respectively. The sample can be translated in and out of the X-ray beam focus via translation along z (total travel range 46 mm), effectively tuning the X-ray beam size. An ion chamber is positioned downstream of the KB chamber to monitor the incoming X-ray photon flux. An optical in-line microscope provides a view onto the sample along the optical z axis. A fluorescence detector is positioned 15 mm away from focus, with a 15° orientation with respect to the focal plane. An in-line area detector is positioned 1.12 m downstream of the focus to collect holograms. |