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Figure 4
BDamage analysis. Distribution of protein structures of those obtained in the present work (top) and of two comparisons of the lysozyme (middle) and proteinase K (bottom) structures with other reference structures considering all protein atoms [all; parts (a), (d) and (g)], the terminal GLU Oɛ, ASP Oδ and CYS Sγ atoms [term; parts (b), (e) and (h)] or only CYS Sγ atoms [S_cys; parts (c), (f) and (i)]. In the top panels [parts (a), (b) and (c)], lysozyme (Lys) is depicted in blue, phycocianin (Phy) in purple, proteinase K (Pk) in green, spectrin C (Spc) in orange and insulin (Ins) in brown. The lysozyme (middle) and proteinase K (bottom) structures of this article are shown in blue and the reference structures are shown in red; other SSX structures (Martin-Garcia, 2021BB32) collected with a high-viscosity injector at other synchrotron beamlines (middle: S1 4rlm and S2 5uvj; bottom: S1 5uvl, S2 6fjs and S3 6mh6) are shown in red and XFEL structures (middle: X1 5dm9, X2 6h0k, X3 7byo and X4 6h0l) are shown in yellow, while synchrotron structures collected at room tem­per­ature in oscillation mode are shown in grey (middle: RT1 1iee and RT2 6qqe).

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