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Figure 1
Overview of the X-ray Bragg magnifier with a zoom function. The orientation of the crystal is adjusted with the [\hat\theta]-axis and [\hat\phi]-axis. The [\hat\theta]-axis is perpendicular to the plane of diffraction defined by the incident beam and the diffracted beam. The [\hat\phi]-axis is perpendicular to the diffracting lattice planes. Diffracted X-rays are either expanded or compressed in the direction parallel to the plane of diffraction. Line A–A is the intersection between the crystal surface and the plane of diffraction. Line B–B is the intersection between the plane of diffraction and one of the diffracting lattice planes. The effective asymmetric angle, α′, is defined as the angle between line A–A and line B–B. The inset shows the X-ray diffraction geometry in the plane of diffraction.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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