Figure 7
The output of the SCALE3 ABSPACK empirical absorption correction routine of CrysAlis PRO, indicating the amount of scaling which had to be applied to each frame in order to compensate for the intensity mismatch between different Friedel equivalents. Each frame corresponds to a physical angle with a step size of 0.5° per frame. (a) The flat red line with 2σ = 1.2% is attributed to an average value of 1.011 (gray dashed line). It indicates the excellent stability of the CoSb3 sample with respect to the X-ray beam during single-crystal data acquisition. (b) Our analysis shows that the orthoenstatite single crystal was moving slightly out of the X-ray beam in the angular range corresponding to frame Nos. 0–20. We consider that the centering procedure involving the gasket absorption profile combined with visible light observations was not perfect enough. The difference in point scatter between the red and blue lines can be attributed to the difference in scattering factors. For the data in panel (a) we had to use a 50 µm Pt absorber foil in order to reduce the intensity of the diffraction signal coming from the sample. The much stronger scattering from CoSb3 than from orthoenstatite is the reason for the noise difference between the red and blue curves. |