Figure 4
Denoising of the 3-D BrainWeb phantom with noise as in (3) with = 0.02 and signal peak 2560, displaying a single sinogram extracted from the stack. Left: a sinogram of ln(A) (3) and the corresponding streak-free but noisy sinogram of Y (5) . Right: on top, noisy sinogram Z (4) and the comparison of estimates: for Münch et al. (2009) , Vo et al. (2018) , Mäkinen et al. (2021) , the proposed framework using old BM4D and using improved BM4D, and with the proposed framework and new BM4D. Below, corresponding estimation errors. Note that the errors show only the effectiveness of streak removal, as the compared algorithms are designed for streak attenuation, whereas shows the complete denoising error, scaled separately. Notably, the proposed algorithm offers superior performance, but only when embedded with the improved BM4D. |