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Figure 7
Comparison of resulting stack of tomograms after different denoising procedures on Fly, each obtained with filtered back-projection, where individual tomograms are horizontal lines. Displayed are slices of tomograms, reconstructed from, top-to-bottom: noisy projections Z (4)[link], estimates [\hat{Y}] of the streak-free projections Y (5)[link] denoised with Mäkinen et al. (2021)BB23, [\hat{Y}] from the proposed streak denoising, and the result of the proposed full denoising [\widehat{\ln(A)}]. Note the horizontal `streaks' in the estimate produced by Mäkinen et al. (2021)BB23, which arise from differences in estimates for consecutive slices; the proposed method is not prone to such artifacts, as it considers the full stack of projections in the denoising.

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