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Figure 8
Comparison of fully denoised tomograms of Fly. Top-to-bottom: tomogram reconstructed from a noisy sinogram of the stack of projections Z (4)[link], from the estimate of stack of underlying projections [\widehat{\ln(A)}] with proposed procedure with FBP reconstruction, and tomograms of the estimates for streak-free stacks [\hat{Y}] of Münch et al. (2009)BB27 with TV reconstruction, and [\hat{Y}] of Vo et al. (2018)BB35 with TV reconstruction. TV regularization was tuned visually, balancing residual noise and smoothing of signal. Compared with the reference methods, the proposed procedure manages to remove most noise without creating shadowlike artifacts common to Münch et al. (2009)BB27 and Vo et al. (2018)BB35.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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