Figure 3
MHz-rate time-resolved magnetic X-ray scattering. Resonant Co L3-edge scattering pattern of a CoFe/Ni thin film multilayer recorded at (a) the SEXTANTS beamline at Synchrotron SOLEIL and (b) the SCS beamline at the EuXFEL. The first-order magnetic scattering is observed along the top-left to bottom-right diagonal. The scattering from the non-magnetic grating is the feature visible along the opposite diagonal. The intensity is in linear scale and normalized to the maximum magnetic scattering amplitude. (c) Time-resolved pump–probe data recorded on the same sample. Black symbols: data from the EuXFEL, computed as the azimuthally integrated intensity of the first-order peak in the frames when the pump laser was impinging on the sample, divided by the nearest previous unpumped frame. Gray symbols: data from a table-top MOKE setup with different pump fluence. The solid lines show the fit to the data. Further details are given in the main text. |