issue contents
November 2022 issue

Cover illustration: Dynamics of bio-macromolecular colloidal suspension can occur simultaneously on telescopic length scales (top left) and are quantifiable via temporal decorrelation of coherent X-ray scattering intensities, a technique known as XPCS. At APS 8-ID beamline, the scattered X-ray photons were collected by a 1024 × 512 pixel Rigaku XSPA-500k detector (right) using the 52 kHz frame rate `Zero Dead Time' mode, and diffusive dynamics of viruses as small as 30 nm in diameter were evaluated at a length scale commensurate with the virus size (bottom left). The spatiotemporal resolution of XPCS will improve by orders of magnitudes with even larger pixel-array and implementation of `Burst' mode at the ultra-brilliant fourth-generation synchrotron radiation sources (see Switalski, Fan, Li, Chu, Sarnello, Jemian, Li, Wang and Zhang, pages 1429–1435).
facility information
research papers

Results from the first megahertz-repetition-rate X-ray scattering experiments at the Spectroscopy and Coherent Scattering (SCS) instrument of the European XFEL are presented.


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