Figure 5
Intensity correlation functions g(2)(x1,x2) (a, e, i) and g(2)(y1,y2) (c, g, k) measured in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. Profiles of the g(2)(Δx) (b, f, j) and g(2)(Δy) (d, h, l) functions taken along the white dashed lines shown in panels (a, e, i) and (c, g, k), respectively. In the inset the corresponding autocorrelation functions g(2)(x,x) and g(2)(y,y) taken along the diagonal lines of g(2) functions are shown. (a–d) SASE radiation, (e–h) monochromatic radiation, (i–l) self-seeding regime of operation. All results presented in this figure correspond to the 180 pC bunch charge. |