Figure 1
Results of FTH and phase retrieval with the PERCIVAL detector. (a) Map of fixed gains used for the composed final hologram (central part only). For color definition see the legend in (c). (b) Hologram [same crop as in (a)] assembled from all data recorded with different gain settings and left-handed polarised soft X-rays. Contour lines mark transitions from one fixed gain region to the next. (c) Line scan of the hologram in (b) through its center. Pixel values using different gains are depicted using different colors. (d) Difference hologram corresponding to (b). (e) FTH reconstruction of (d) revealing magnetic domains inside the field of view and (f) corresponding phase-retrieved reconstruction. Scale bar is 300 nm. (g) Phase-retrieval transfer function and Fourier ring correlation of the reconstruction in (f). Gray dashed lines indicate the 0.5 and half-bit thresholds. |