issue contents
January 2023 issue

Cover illustration: A robust in situ chamber has been developed to study high-energy and rapid battery cell failures (see Pfaff, Fransson, Broche, Buckwell, Finegan, Moser, Schopferer, Nau, Shearing and Rack, pages 192–199). The chamber ensures safe operation and enables the investigation of mechanisms occurring during battery failure using high-speed radiography combined with infrared imaging, including cell-to-cell propagation.
facility information
research papers

Modern X-ray free-electron laser sources can deliver photon pulses with millijoule pulse energies and megahertz repetition rate. As shown by the simulations in this work, for particular cases the dynamical heat load effects for Bragg reflectors could cause problems at these facilities.

Methods are developed to quantify the degree of coherence of fluorescently emitted X-rays from short-pulse XFEL excitations. Applications to 3 fs and 15 fs excitations are shown.

The structure of tick-borne encephalitis virus determined at X-ray free-electron lasers. Simulations
In this work, a single-particle imaging experiment of tick-borne encephalitis virus at the European XFEL was simulated. These simulations allow the optimal parameters of the experimental setup to be obtained for use in future experiments.

The radiation properties of a novel high-power accelerator light source are presented. Potential applications include high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and extreme ultraviolet lithography.

A universal optimization simulation method based on a multi-objective genetic algorithm is introduced; this is the first attempt to optimize the elements of a beamline using this method.

A framework for data-driven characterization of the nonlinear dynamics of a piezo-bimorph adaptive X-ray mirror has been developed. Rapid surface shape control and stability to within 2 nm RMS have been demonstrated.

A novel hybrid height and slope figuring model that enables the explicit control of height and slope errors in synchrotron optics fabrication is described.

Experimental testing of a liquid-nitrogen-cooled silicon mirror is reported. This testing covered fracture, heat transfer, modal response and distortion.

The novel magnetically controlled chemical–mechanical polishing technique features simplicity in mechanical components and compatibility with almost all kinds of surface shapes, and is able to fabricate high-accuracy inner-wall surfaces without damaging layers.

The High-Dynamic Double-Crystal Monochromator that has been developed for the fourth-generation light source Sirius/LNLS is explored, with its unprecedented inter-crystal stability performance around 10 nrad RMS both at fixed-energy and continuous fly-scan. Given the new paradigm and the unique enabling technology of its high-performance mechatronic system, the engineering and operational aspects for the next-level beamline experimental possibilities with a double-crystal monochromator are comprehensively discussed. Fly-scan spectroscopy scientific commissioning results are also presented.

Principles and implementation of a compact-rigid multi-analyser for energy and angle filtering of high-resolution X-ray experiments are presented. Several systems containing one or many diffracting elements positioned in a rigid manner on a logarithmic spiral surface are discussed and developed in order to detect/analyze minor phases of complex materials.

The efficiency of a small multi-analyser block of diffraction filtering, formed by a `single-crystal-comb' curved on a logarithmic spiral rigid support that allows 20–50 filtering measurements in parallel, is discussed and tested on a reference powder and on complex samples. It gives an excellent signal-to-noise ratio (1000/1) and drastically improves the detection thresholds of measurements (from 3–1% to 0.1%) to detect minor phases in studies of `real' heterogeneous materials.

The capability of machine learning methods for identifying and separating artifacts that appear in a typical X-ray diffraction image is demonstrated.

High-accuracy measurement of the X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) of zinc metal in a temperature series from 10 K to 150 K, including 298 K, simultaneously in transmission and fluorescence using the hybrid technique is presented: the first transition metal XAFS using the hybrid technique and at low temperatures; and the first (hybrid-like) experiment at the Australian Synchrotron. A methodology for relative measurements and a methodology for cryostat measurements, and an approach to normalization, calibration of transmission measurements for scattering and other systematics to reference room-temperature data and yield a defined uncertainty are presented.

A highly automatic alignment scheme is proposed to address the pressing challenge in tomographic alignment of future scanning tomography experiments. The results show that the proposed method exhibits excellent sub-pixel alignment accuracy and high time efficiency.

TomocuPy, a Python software package for fast 3D reconstruction on graphics processing units (GPUs) and modern storage drives supporting parallel read/write operations, is presented. The package demonstrates significant performance gain compared with analogs and can be efficiently used when processing data during experiments requiring steering of environment conditions and acquisition schemes, or triggering data capturing processes for other measuring devices.

The developed test chamber, capable of high-speed X-ray imaging, was designed to perform robust in situ abuse tests on batteries in various configurations while providing a complete overview of the failure event with additional complementary measurement methods.

Differential phase contrast for quantitative imaging and spectro-microscopy at a nanoprobe beamline
Quantitative differential phase contrast using a pixelated detector is described and results for a range of samples are presented. The results are compared with ptychography and the application of differential phase contrast for spectro-microscopy is explored.

The focusing capabilities of the X-ray free-electron laser beam at the High Energy Density instrument at the European XFEL are imaged and studied by means of high-dynamic-range fluorescent LiF media placed directly into the beam caustic.

FOCUS (Fast Monte CarlO approach to Coherence of Undulator Sources), a new GPU-based code to compute the transverse coherence of X-ray radiation from undulator sources as a function of the electron beam parameters, is described. FOCUS is validated with the Synchrotron Radiation Workshop (SRW) and SPECTRA codes. Examples of application to coherence studies in third- and fourth-generation light sources are shown.
short communications

Jungfraujoch: hardware-accelerated data-acquisition system for kilohertz pixel-array X-ray detectors
A new data acquisition and real-time image analysis system with FPGAs and GPUs for kilohertz macromolecular crystallography applications is presented.

The CLEAR emission spectrometer, a valid option with respect to other existing ones, is described.

PERCIVAL is a detector system specifically designed for the soft X-ray regime. Although still in a development phase, it has already served its first user experiments at both a storage ring and also a free-electron laser. The device performed remarkably well in all the different techniques tested: ptychography, holography and also X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. The results of these tests are presented.

A new X-ray spectrometer in von Hamos geometry for parallel X-ray Raman scattering and X-ray emission spectroscopy is available at the inelastic X-ray scattering beamline ID20 of the ESRF.

As part of its Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) upgrade project, the ESRF's BioSAXS BM29 beamline was subject to a significant upgrade. Its bending magnet source was replaced by a two-pole wiggler, and a larger hybrid-pixel detector, a new sample changer and improved sample exposure cells were also installed and commissioned. Additionally, nearly all beamline software, including that for experiment control and data analysis, was renewed. Here the current status of the beamline is described, including new opportunities post-ESRF–EBS.
laboratory notes

A new high-temperature capillary heater design suitable for synchrotron X-ray diffraction, total scattering and EXAFS experiments is described.

Obituary for Ian Munro.