Figure 9
Rocking-curve-based stability assessment with the HD-DCM: (a) Si(333) and Si(555) rocking-curve measurements (M) via step-scans compared with simulations (S); (b) fly-scan rocking-curve repeatability test, with 13 measurements over about 2.5 h; (c) intensity sensitivity curves based on the derivative of the Si(333) and Si(555) rocking curves; (d and e) intensity staircase time plots of ionization chamber IC4 for Si(333) and Si(555), together with intensity variation estimates from the HD-DCM internal metrology (with a time offset of 10 s for readability); (f) root-mean-square (RMS) values from the steps of the staircase measurements and estimates; (g and h) power spectral density (PSD) from the steps of the staircase measurements and estimates; (i and j) PSD from staircase measurements together with electron beam position monitor (eBPM) data and IC4 noise floors [note: eBPM data in (i) borrowed from (j) measurements due to data loss, but without any loss of applicability]. For further details see text. |