Figure 5
(a) RIXS spectrum of Sr2IrO4 at q = (0, 0). The peak at 40 meV corresponds to the out-of-plane magnon mode, the peak around 350 meV to spin-orbit excitons and the broad continuum around 600 meV to dd-excitations within t2g orbitals. (b) RIXS spectrum of Sr2IrO4 at q = (π/2, π/2). The peak around 100 meV corresponds to single-magnon excitations, the broader peak around 150 meV corresponds to multimagnons and the broad continuum around 600 meV to dd-excitations within t2g orbitals. The spectra shown in (a) and (b) are collected at 80 K over 1 h each. Gaussian functions are used to fit all the peaks, displayed as red-dashed curves. The sum of all fit functions is drawn as a blue curve. |