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Figure 6
(a) Drawing of an X-ray diffuse scattering setup. This setup is a reconfiguration from the original RIXS spectrometer shown in Fig. 3[link](a) by incorporating a bent analyzer in place of a diced spherical analyzer. Additionally, a 2D area detector is placed before a position-sensitive detector, resulting in a slightly altered flight path with reduced dimensions. (b) Raw 2D detector images of a charge density wave (CDW) peak in TiSe2, taken at three different temperatures (T = 160, 200, 202 K) across the critical temperature Tc = 200 K. The measurements were performed at the wavevector (0.5 0.5 4.5). An Si(844)-bent spherical analyzer was used with 11.215 keV incident X-rays. With this incident energy, the bent analyzer with a 10 cm diameter accepts a circular area in momentum space with a diameter of 0.3 Å−1 in a single shot which corresponds to about 0.17 r.l.u. H (or K) for TiSe2. (c) θ–2θ rocking curve measurement of the (1 0 5) charge peak of TiSe2 at room temperature.

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