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Figure 4
(a) Gain of the acquisition model in the near-surface region of the spherical model with the device set at the magic angle: device far from the sample (R0 > 100μ0). The center of the plot in panel (a) is not the center of the sphere, the near-surface area has been stretched to emphasize the surface sensitivity of the gain. (b) Sphere geometry factor with respect to depth in the case of uniform illumination (f constant): in blue the pointwise model with sharp edge approximation and attenuation length λe = 2 nm, in green and in orange the sphere model with the same attenuation length using the sharp and smooth edge approximations, respectively, and in red the pointwise model with the attenuation length replaced with the average mean escape depth ≃ 0.41λe (Winter & Faubel, 2006BB124; Dupuy et al., 2021BB20).

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