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Figure 5
Sagittal section of the ruptured chordae stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and polarization of the Sirius red (SR) staining, and the collagen occupation ratio. (a) There was a non-longitudinal abnormal interstitial tissue layer consistent with the pathological cross-sectional findings (HE). (b) Inflammatory infiltration was not seen in the entire layer, including the abnormal interstitial tissue and longitudinal collagen bundle (HE). (c) SR staining revealed that the non-longitudinal abnormal connective tissue layer included elastic fibers (black color lesion) and collagen fibers (yellow color lesion; type I collagen, green color lesion; type III collagen). (d) The collagen occupation ratio was calculated in the two selected areas, including an area of abundant abnormal connective tissue (yellow rectangle #2) and an area of normal collagen bundle (yellow rectangle #1) (SR staining). (e) The collagen occupation ratio was 61.1% in the area of normal collagen bundle and 17.2% in the area of abundant abnormal connective tissue.

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