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Figure 13
Angular distribution of the flux density at high energy of the ideal Mango wiggler. (a) SR energy at 100 keV, χ2 = 1.27. (b) One-dimensional distribution of the flux density along the 45° white dashed line in (a). (c) SR energy at 150 keV, χ2 = 1.58. (d) One-dimensional distribution of the flux density along the 45° white dashed line in (c). (e) SR energy at 267 keV, χ2 = 2.15. (f) One-dimensional distribution of the flux density along the 45° white dashed line in (e). (g) SR energy at 300 keV, χ2 = 2.29. (h) One-dimensional distribution of the flux density along the 45° white dashed line in (g).

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