Figure 2
(a) A schematic view of the dodecapole bandpass filter. (b) Electrode geometry, voltages and calculated potential distribution in the center cross-sectional plane of the dodecapole; the dispersive plane is vertical. The arrow denotes the deflecting (dipole) field, which causes the energy dispersion. (c) The dipole field created by a conventional octupole deflector/stigmator with the same outer dimension as (b), shown for comparison. (d)–(h) Correcting multipole fields: (d) a horizontal dipole field correcting for beam position, and quadrupole fields oriented at (e) 0°/90° and (f) ±45° correcting for astigmatism. (g) and (h) Examples for the superposition of the deflector field (b) and the quadrupole fields [(e) and (f)], respectively. |