Figure 7
Hard X-ray VB patterns of Si(100), recorded at beamline P22 of PETRA III using a pass energy of the dodecapole of Epass = 600 eV [sample temperature of 30 K, except for (g)]. (a)–(f) A series of kx–ky patterns; EB values are given on top of the panels. EB is referenced to the VB maximum. At hν = 3420 eV (top row), the direct transition leads to the ΓKX plane of the 13th repeated BZ along kz. (g) Same as (e) but for 190 K. (h)–(l) Same binding energies as (b)–(f) but at hν = 3266 eV, leading to the plane intersecting the L points of the 3D BZ. (m), (n) Patterns (b) and (d) after eliminating the imprinted Kikuchi diffraction by multiplicative correction. (o)–(q) EB vs k∥ cuts along the Σ and Δ directions, and in the plane through the L points. Apart from (m) and (n), all panels show raw data as measured. |