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Figure 1
(a) Original transmission function, [-{t_{\rm{in}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}})]. (b) Noisy blurred detected fluence in the object plane, [{S_{\rm{D}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},0)]. (c) Noisy blurred detected fluence in the image plane, [{S_{\rm{D}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},R)]. (d) Distribution [{S_{\rm{TIE}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},0)], obtained by TIE-Hom phase retrieval from [{S_{\rm{D}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},R)]. (e) Distribution [{S_{{\rm{D}},{\rm{sim}}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},R)], obtained by simulated free-space propagation of the homogeneous complex amplitude produced from [{S_{\rm{D}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},0)]. (f) Distribution [{S_{{\rm{TIE}},{\rm{sim}}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},0)], obtained by TIE-Hom retrieval from [{S_{{\rm{D}},{\rm{sim}}}}({{\bf{r}}_{\bot}},R)].

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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