Figure 2
Images of a mastectomy sample collected using plane monochromatic X-rays with an energy of 32 keV. (a) Reconstructed axial CT slice through the middle of the sample. (b) PBI projection at the sample-to-detector distance of 19 cm and 3.33 µGy dose. The dashed square in the lower left corner outlines the region inside which the SNR measurements were performed in all the images. (c) PBI projection at the sample-to-detector distance of 600 cm and 0.67 µGy dose. (d) PBI projection at the sample-to-detector distance of 600 cm and 4 µGy dose. (e) Zoomed sub-image of (b). (f) Zoomed sub-image of (c). (g) Zoomed sub-image of the TIE-Hom reconstruction with γ = 275 from the image shown in (c). (h) Zoomed sub-image of the TIE-Hom reconstruction with γ = 869 from the image shown (c). |