Figure 1
XGM operation at 20 keV with HAMP as the single-shot detector (SASE1 with 254 pulses per train, Xe gas target at both XGMs, both HAMP voltages at −1400 V, repeller at 6000 V, HAMP raw ADC peak around 1 mV but below 2 mV amplitude). Statistics over 2893 trains with the average and standard deviation (SASE jitter) for each pulse number in the train measured with the (a) upstream (XTD2) and (b) downstream (XTD9) XGMs. (c) Upstream XTD2 and downstream XTD9 single-shot linear correlation with a slope of 0.86 (beamline transmission) and correlation coefficient of 0.98 for a selection of some intra-train pulse numbers (color code). |