Figure 1
(a) Schematic illustration of the experimental setup at P10, PETRA III (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) including X-ray optics, a waveguide, the measurement chamber of the optical stretcher, inline microscopy for visual inspection, and a 2D pixel detector. (b) Main components inside the measurement chamber of the optical stretcher. Two optical fibers emit divergent IR-laser radiation that captures single cells at the trapping position inside a glass capillary with quadratic cross section. The trapped cells are probed by the X-ray beam. (c) Side view of the glass capillary with quadratic cross section. The cells are trapped at a slight off-center position in the capillary. Therefore, the flow velocity profile induces a rotation of the cells. (d) Image taken with the inline microscope showing parts of a glass support, the end of one of the optical fibers, both capillary walls, and a trapped cell in solution. (e) Bright field microscopy image of BaSO4 grains (black dots) that are assumed to be located on the surface of non-adherent NIH3T3 fibroblasts. |