Figure 3
(a) Background-corrected holograms from a single data set of a fixed and stained cell, measured at 9.9 keV and with different accumulated exposure times between 0.3 s and 300 s, demonstrate the noise level of the recordings. The dashed lines represent the chosen reconstruction support. Scale bar: 10 µm. (b) Reconstructions using the RAAR algorithm based on holograms with different exposure times for the same data set as in (a). BaSO4 grains are excluded after the reconstruction. Scale bar: 10 µm. (c) Violin plots of the reconstructed phase shift from (b) for different exposure times. To guide the eye, lines are drawn for the 25% (dotted), 50% (dashed) and 75% (dotted) quantiles. (d) Phase shift distribution from reconstructions of noisy holograms of the sample from (a–c). Gaussian noise with amplitudes σnoise is added to the hologram with an exposure time of 30 s and reconstructed. Quantiles for 25% (dotted), 50% (dashed) and 75% (dotted) guide the eye. (e) Standard deviation of the noise in the holograms. Data from fixed and stained (f&s, red and dark blue) and from living cells (orange and light blue) for both photon energies are shown. (f) Violin plots of the reconstructed phase shifts of the cytoplasm (without BaSO4 and debris) for an exposure time of 30 s. Within the violins the medians of the individual data sets (black diamonds) and the overall distribution (white circle) are shown. |