Figure 5
(a) Noisy CTF reconstruction from a single projection (hologram, binning: 5 × 5). The faint boundary of the cell and strong signals of BaSO4 grains are visible. The spatial axes are given in pixels (px). (b) The grains from (a) are segmented with a median filter and a threshold. A selection of BaSO4 grains is manually indexed in every projection, such that the movement of these grains can be tracked over multiple projections. Grains with different indices are encircled in different colors. (c, d) Tracked y and z coordinates (center of mass, black crosses) of the segmented and indexed grains in 75 out of 750 projections. In addition, the calculated y and z coordinates (ri,n,calc, colored diamonds) of the indexed grains from the solution of the inverse problem formulated to determine the Euler angles and translations are plotted for different projections. To guide the eye, the calculated coordinates are colored according to their index and are connected by a line. (e) Direction of the X-ray beam for 750 projections in the frame of reference of the cell. Since the cell rotates in the trap, the beam direction, i.e. the arrow from every dot to the center of mass of the cell (green cross), changes from projection to projection. Additionally, projections to the different planes are shown. (f) SIRT-based 3D reconstructions of the electron density of BaSO4 grains. |