Figure 5
(A) The azimuthal angular intensity profiles of the crystalline cellulose peaks corresponding to the four samples shown in Fig. 4 . The calculated MFA distributions are shown in (B), using the same color code. The calculated intensity profiles are shown as dashed lines in (A). The overall distribution of MFA is shown in (C), represented by φa as defined in the main text. The color in these maps corresponds to the angular value, while the transparency is based on the sample absorption, to avoid confusing φa values where the scattering intensity is low. The angular dependence of each voxel in the virtual section can be extracted and analyzed using the same method as the averaged data. This is shown for two locations (colored circles) for sample d as examples, with the local angular intensity profiles shown in (D) and the MFA distributions shown in (E), using the same color code. A similar analysis has been carried out in (F)–(H) for the bamboo sample for comparison. |