Figure 3
Energy dependence of the (a) reflectivity ρ and (b)–(c) energy resolutions ΔE. The circles and triangles represent the 2 m- and 1 m-radius Si Bragg analyzers, respectively, and the diamonds represent the Ge Bragg analyzer. The squares represent the 1.4 m-radius Si Laue analyzer. The scale is normalized such that ρ = 1 for the 2 m Si 555 reflection. LR stands for measurements taken with a beam from the Si 111 DCM. The Si 111 reflection has a bandpass mostly broader than those of the analyzers. HR is for measurements taken with the Si 220 four-bounce high-resolution monochromator, which generally has a bandpass narrower than those of the analyzers. The monochromator contributions ΔEMON to the resolution are shown by broken lines in (b) and (c). Note that ΔEMON and the analyzer contribution ΔEANA cannot be linearly summed for most cases: for example, ΔETOT2 = ΔEMON2 + ΔEANA2 if they have Gaussian shapes. |