Figure 1
Schematic of the parallel beam configuration for MHz XPCI experiments at SPB/SFX. Following the horizontal offset mirrors, the beam passes through an X-ray gas detection monitor, which measure the pulse energy. It then passes through a set of power slits and, if out-coupled to air, a diamond window. The indirect detection microscopes are placed after a dynamic sample downstream of the diamond window. The focusing optics, KB mirrors and CRLs are shown in their respective positions relative to the MHz XPCI setup and are moved out of the X-ray beam for the parallel beam configuration. The CRLs in the photon tunnel are used to collimate the parallel beam to achieve higher flux density in cases where the number of photons per pulse is not enough to produce a good signal-to-noise ratio, especially for hard X-rays > 20 keV. The X-ray pulse structure is also shown. |