Figure 8
(a) Timing signal configuration for image acquisition for one Shimadzu HPV-X2 camera and (b) plot of STB trigger delay versus mean intensity of each frame across the buffer. The slope indicated by the red lines in the graph represents the camera clock mismatch with the EuXFEL clock. The pulse separation at 1.128 MHz is 886 ns. However, the minimum increment for shifting acquisition available on the camera is 10 ns, resulting in a closest frame rate of 890 ns. This causes a drift of each subsequent acquisition window with respect to the scintillator emission by 4 ns and thus the total drift across the camera buffer is 512 ns. With a maximum possible acquisition time for each frame of 590 ns, the buffer can be aligned to record signal on all 128 frames. The delay range highlighted between the two dotted blue lines shows the optimal delay position where full buffer stays synchronized to all 128 X-ray pulses. |