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Figure 4
Structural determination and intensity estimation of the silica-coated gold NPs used in the proof-of-principle experiment. (a) The analyzed final diffraction amplitudes from the experiment on a logarithmic scale and (b) the reconstruction by the guided hybrid input–output method at a radial resolution of 3.99 nm per pixel with a scale bar of 10 nm. (c) The simulated diffraction amplitudes on a logarithmic scale from the 25280 silica–gold NPs and (d) the silica–gold NP model at the same radial resolution per pixel and scale bar as in panel (b). The inner and outer diameters of the silica–gold model were 19 and 54 nm, respectively. (e) The line profiles of the central columns in panels (b) and (d), depicted in black and red, respectively. (f) The line profiles of the central rows in panels (b) and (d), depicted in black and red, respectively.

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