Figure 1
Photon flux and flux density as a function of beam size for TPS 07A, TPS 05A (focus and defocus modes) and TLS 15A1 at the NSRRC. Measurements were performed at 12.7 keV for TPS 07A, and at 12.4 keV for TPS 05A and TLS 15A1. The beam sizes were defined as the product of the full width at half-maximum values measured along the horizontal and vertical directions. Symbols represent flux (solid) and flux density (open); circles for TPS 07A, upward triangles for TPS 05A (focus mode), downward triangles for TPS 05A (defocus mode) and diamonds for TLS 15A1. TPS 07A shows a continuous increase in flux density with smaller beam sizes, whereas TPS 05A and TLS 15A1, using pinhole-defined beam sizes, maintain stable flux density across beam size ranges. The measured horizontal beam divergence at each beamline is directly indicated in the plot. |