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Journal logoJOURNAL OF
ISSN: 1600-5775

March 2025 issue

Highlighted illustration

Cover illustration: Deep learning-based reconstruction of high-resolution and high-speed X-ray videos for high-speed imaging: (left) selected low-resolution, high-speed video frames of 4 times larger pixel size, (middle) selected high-resolution, low-speed video frames of 20 times larger frame separation, (right) selected high-resolution, high-speed video frame reconstruction (see Tang, Bicer, Sun, Fezzaa and Clark, pages 432–441). The results show that the new method can significantly improve the reconstruction, achieving an average peak signal-to-noise ratio of more than 35 dB on the two representative X-ray image sequences.

facility information

research papers

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A timing control system to stabilize the long-term timing drift between X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) and optical laser pulses has been developed by utilizing an out-of-loop balanced optical-microwave phase detector and an arrival-timing monitor. The timing jitter and drift between the XFEL and the optical laser pulses have been reduced to less than 50 fs (RMS) over ∼49 h.

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A method for compensating for the source drift of a free-electron laser beamline by adjusting the Cff value of a grating monochromator is introduced.

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Pump–probe 3D X-ray reciprocal-space mapping (RSM) is devised using energy-resolved pulses in self-amplified spontaneous emission X-ray free-electron laser beams. Extended 3D RSMs covering both the diffuse scattering and the Bragg rod in an NiO thin film were obtained.

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Resolution enhancement on a single-shot X-ray spectrometer with a detuned non-dispersive multi-crystal analyzer is proposed and demonstrated, indicating the promising potential for capturing the full spectral information, including the fine-spike structure in self-amplified spontaneous emission X-ray free-electron laser radiation.

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Structure-based drug design has been a critical component of drug discovery for over 30 years, contributing to numerous approved drugs. The paper discusses the approach taken by AstraZeneca (Sweden) to synchrotron data collection for supporting a large portfolio of drug discovery projects and provides examples to demonstrate the continued importance of experimental structures.

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This paper presents the development of instrumentation and macromolecular crystallography methods at the third-generation synchrotron facility SPring-8 and X-ray free electron laser facility SACLA. The aim is to facilitate rapid structural analysis from highly challenging protein crystals.

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We present the development of a novel fixed-target flip-holder for synchrotron serial crystallography. This holder simplifies the sample handling process, reduces dehydration risks, and enables efficient crystallography experiments with minimal sample consumption, demonstrated through successful lysozyme crystal structure determination at room temperature.

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We present a novel instrument at ID12 (ESRF) capable of simultaneously measuring element-specific microscopic and macroscopic properties related to the magnetic, electronic and structural characteristics of functional materials.

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In this work the transport of low energy electrons through helical magnetic undulators is discussed with application for THz generation in waveguide free-electron lasers. To optimize beam transmission, the off-axis fields sampled by low energy beams are tuned with a 3D pulsed-wire measurement technique that reveals localized errors in the quadrupole and sextupole field moments.

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The theory and models implemented in the undulator sources of the ray tracing code SHADOW4 are described.

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The linearity of the intensity response of the ePix10k detector in mixed gain configurations is evaluated for solution phase scattering experiments at the LCLS.

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Demonstrations are presented of a PILATUS4 CdTe hybrid photon counting detector prototype for high-energy powder X-ray diffraction in materials, chemical and energy research at up to 4 kHz frame rate.

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New higher-count-rate, integrating, large-area X-ray detectors with framing rates as high as 17400 images per second are beginning to be available. These will soon be used for specialized macromolecular crystallography experiments but will require optimal lossy compression algorithms to enable systems to keep up with data throughput. Some information may be lost. Can we minimize this loss with acceptable impact on structural information?

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This controlled radiation damage study at different temperatures allows the approaches to measuring radiation-damage-free/limited spectra from redox-sensitive metalloenzymes and metal complexes in the soft X-ray regime at synchrotrons to be refined.

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This study demonstrates the validation of the RMC-GNXAS method including two- and three-body EXAFS signals for the local structure analysis of both solid and liquid Au as a benchmark for the study of heavy noble metal systems.

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We applied advanced image-processing techniques, including fast Fourier transform analysis, image registration and optical flow, to mitigate artifacts caused by system instabilities and accurately track battery electrode deformations during operation. This approach improves the reliability of high-resolution operando imaging, providing deeper insights into battery degradation and enhancing our understanding of chemomechanical interactions in battery performance.

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A new online beam intensity synchronous monitoring system has been designed which can precisely and synchronously monitor X-ray beam intensity variations. This can be used to remove noise due to electron injection from STXM images, thereby markedly improving the quality of STXM imaging.

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A deep learning-based algorithm is developed and evaluated that demonstrates the potential to reconstruct simultaneously high-resolution high-frame-rate X-ray image sequences with high fidelity through spatio-temporal fusion. Experimental evaluation shows that the method can significantly improve the accuracy of the reconstruction, achieving an average peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of more than 35 dB on two representative X-ray image sequences with input data streams of four times lower spatial resolution and 20 times lower frame rate, respectively.

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An illustration of the synchrotron-based computed tomography pipeline is given, highlighting the three key processing stages — projection, sinogram and reconstruction — each incorporating multiple processing steps to enhance image quality.


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The SPXF has revolutionized structural biology research through its advanced light sources, enabling crucial breakthroughs in disease research. The facility's integration of automation and cutting-edge techniques provides world-class resources for global researchers.

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The Nanobeam X-ray Experiments (NXE) instrument at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory X-ray Free Electron Laser (PAL-XFEL) is introduced. The NXE instrument enables users to conduct X-ray experiments with nanofocused X-rays.

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A laser-driven plasma X-ray source with sub-picosecond pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate for various time-resolved experiments has been commissioned at ELI Beamlines. This article features a comprehensive overview of the driving-laser parameters and X-ray beam characteristics and outlines possible applications of the source.

computer programs

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An open-source software system for managing user office operations at a large-scale research facility is presented.
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