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Figure 6
(Top) A scheme of the TREX end-station. A scheme of 1D parallel beam optics geometry with fixed entrance and exit apertures of Montel optics ASTIX++ from AXO Dresden. (Bottom) Diffraction from hexagonal and cubic ice formed at 100 K, measured with DECTRIS Eiger X 1M at a distance of 46.4 mm from the sample. Localization of diffraction peaks was performed using ADXV (Arva, 2015BB222) with a signal-to-noise ratio threshold of 7. The shadow of the direct beam is visible on the left side of the image owing to the absence of the collimator. Diffraction rings of the ice are at interplanar spacings of 2.25, 2.67, 3.44, 3.67 and 3.90 Å.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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