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Figure 7
Diffractograms for molybdenum acetate, collected above the Mo K-edge with MYTHEN II and MYTHEN III. The data have been normalized to the total number of counts to improve comparability. The data were collected using 42 different detector positions, with each position measured for 15 s. The diffractogram collected with the older detector (shown in black) exhibits discontinuous background features – for example, dips just before sharp peaks at 5.5°, 26° and slightly above 30° – as indicated by the blue arrows. These artifacts are due to higher threshold dispersion, which could not be corrected by flat-field calibration. Since the measurements for MYTHEN II and MYTHEN III took place at different times (before and after the detector upgrade, respectively), the differences in background may be influenced by variable factors in the setup. These factors include varying contributions of air scattering and capillary scattering relative to the sample's maximum intensity during the two experiments.

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