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Figure 1
(a) Lysozyme frame 900 of 1800 from the native data set. (b) Lysozyme frame 450 of 900 from the 8:1 compressed BIN2_SUM2 data set, added to the one after it, and then with pixels summed 2 × 2. Notice the much stronger background with well preserved peaks over the entire image, and that one can pick out a few more peaks in (b) than in (a). (c) HIV reverse transcriptase frame 600 of 1200 from the native data set. (d) HIV reverse transcriptase frame 300 of 600 from the 8:1 compressed BIN2_SUM2 data set. Notice the much stronger background in (d) than in (c).

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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