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Figure 5
Benchmarking the effectiveness of compression strategies using real space R values for HIV reverse transcriptase. Real space R values were computed (i) using overlapmap and (ii) using custom software (the quotient in the former case is the total volume electron density, while in the latter case it is the variance in the electron density). The results of these two strategies were almost identical (see Tables S6 and S7); the average of the two measurements is plotted (Y axis) as a function of the compression ratio (X axis). It is evident from the image that increasing compression ratios are associated with decreasing map quality (increased real space R value), and the slope that governs this loss of quality is different for different compression strategies (the lower the slope, the better the compression strategy). In the case of the data examined here, the optimal strategy is to combine the effects of multiple compression strategies, i.e. binning two pixels in all three measured reciprocal space dimensions (x, y, and φ) followed by using the compression algorithm that was developed for astronomy purposes (this is labelled BIN2_SUM2_HCOMP above).

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