Figure 7
Electron density is shown for a region that contains some amino acids where the fit to the compressed data is good (right, B414), moderate (middle, B415), and poor (left, B416). Compare the electron density in the omit region obtained using the uncompressed data (top image) and those obtained using the BIN2_SUM2_HCOMP24 data (bottom image), which has a compression ratio of 627. Electron density is shown for a region that contains some amino acids where the fit to the compressed data is good (right, B414), moderate (middle, B415), and poor (left, B416). This region was selected specifically to demonstrate that (i) over-compression can initially manifest as difficult-to-detect locally poor fit between model and data, affecting only a few amino acids, and (ii) very aggressive compression ratios should be avoided in cases where good model-to-data fit is required for all amino acids in a structure. |