Figure 12
Sizes at the center of the ID for the ID06 U18 undulator, set close to the first harmonic resonance. (a) 2D plot for photon energy red-shifted E = E0[1 − (Nn)−1] = 9910 eV, (b) 2D plot at resonance E = E0 = 10000 eV, (c) 2D plot at blue-shifted E = E0[1 + 0.4(Nn)−1] = 10036 eV, all calculated with the `internal' algorithm. On the right we compare the histograms of the vertical size given by the three calculation modes SHADOW4 internal algorithm, pySRU + WOFRY, and SRW for the three photon energies: (d) red-shifted from resonance, (e) at resonance, and (f) blue-shifted from resonance. |