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Figure 3
Results of the wave optics simulation of the intensity versus electron energy spread calculated for the ID06 U18 undulator. The radiation is calculated at the far field [(a) and (b)] and backpropagated to the center of the undulator [(c) and (d)]. (a) Intensity map at the far field as a function of [\delta_{{\cal E}}] calculated at the first harmonic (10 keV). (b) Values of the angular-width correction (normalized to the width at zero energy dispersion) as a function of the electron energy spread. The widths are measured by the FWHM and the SD value (2.355 × r.m.s.) of the far-field intensity profiles [as shown in (a) for n = 1]. They are compared with Qa. (c) The same as (a) but for the backpropagated radiation. (d) The same as (b) but for the size corrections compared with Qs.

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