Figure 4
Results of wave optics simulations of the intensity versus photon energy calculated for the ID06 U18 undulator. The radiation is calculated at the far field [(a) and (b)] and backpropagated to the center of the undulator [(c) and (d)]. (a) Intensity map at the far field (100 m) as a function of photon energy calculated for the first harmonic (E0 = 10 keV). (b) Values of the width of the intensity distribution at the far field as a function of the photon energy. The widths are obtained from the FWHM and the SD value (2.355 × r.m.s.). The intensity (in arbitrary units) is also shown (green curve). (c) The same as (a) for the backpropagated radiation at the center of the undulator. (d) The same as (b) for the backpropagated radiation at the center of the undulator. |