issue contents
July 1998 issue

Cover illustration: The double-crystal high-flux monochromator of the Austrian SAXS beamline at ELETTRA (Italy), which supplies the three fixed energies 5.4, 8 and 16 keV, see Bernstorff, Amenitsch and Laggner, pages 1215-1221. The monochromator serves also as a beamsplitter, providing simultaneously a diffraction beamline and the SAXS beamline.
facility information
research papers
Analytical and numerical calculations of the coherence of synchrotron radiation are presented.
SPring-8 front ends have been constructed based on a novel design to facilitate the rearrangement and exchange of the components. Commissioning has been performed successfully.
Compact absorbers for SPring-8 standard undulator beamlines have been developed and installed. The absorbers withstand up to a total power of 12.3 kW and a peak power density of 497 kW mrad−2.
SPring-8 is constructing most of its beamlines by combination of standardized components according to the light-source characteristics. Specifications of components as well as a unified method of assembly and alignment are described.
A new method of sagittal focusing of narrow X-ray beams is proposed. The focusing element is a longitudinal parabolic groove fabricated into a crystal monochromator.
An internally cooled crystal with pin-post structure has been fabricated using sand-blasting methods and Au-diffusive bonding techniques.
A novel approach for implementing crystal optics in high-power wiggler beamlines based on optimized back-cooling has been developed and tested. The experimental results are compared with predictions obtained by finite-element analysis.
An ultrahigh-vacuum system has been designed for grazing-angle X-ray standing-wave and diffraction experiments at a vertical-wiggler source of the Photon Factory. It includes an X-ray chamber with a hemispherical Be window, cross swivels, a precision rotary table and a portable vessel.
The potential of X-ray fluorescence detection using synthetic multilayers in dilute systems is discussed.
The magnetic form factor of nickel has been measured at high momentum transfers on a new bending-magnet beamline at the ESRF. This study has enabled the high degree of polarization of the dipole source to be quantified.
book reviews