issue contents
December 2012 issue

Cover illustration: Structure of ATP-dependent DNA ligase from Thermococcus sp. 1519 (Petrova et al., p. 1440).
structural communications
Crystal structures of the hexanucleotide d(CACGCG)·d(CGCGTG) were determined in the presence of Mn2+ ions in two crystal lattices and provide insights into ion interactions.
The crystal structure of ribose 5-phosphate isomerase has been determined to 1.72 Å resolution and is presented with a brief comparison to other known ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A structures.
PDB reference: ribose 5-phosphate isomerase, 4gmk
Structures of ERK2 in complexes with ATP and with ADP are presented and are compared with the apo form of the protein in the same monoclinic crystal form and with the closest structural homolog cyclin-dependent kinase 2, for which an ATP-complex structure is available.
ATP-dependent DNA ligase from Thermococcus sp. 1519 displays a new arrangement of the OB-fold domain
The structure of ATP-dependent DNA ligase from Thermococcus sp. 1519 was determined at a resolution of 3.02 Å, showing a new relative arrangement of the OB-fold domain.
PDB reference: LigTh1519, 3rr5
A 118 kDa fragment, comprising the catalytic domain and four other domains, of the glucansucrase GTFA from L. reuteri 121, which synthesizes α-glucans with both α-1,6- and α-1,4-glycosidic linkages, was crystallized. The weakly diffracting crystals, which contained 85% solvent, were used to determine the structure at 3.6 Å resolution.
PDB reference: GTFA-ΔN, 4amc
The Xpln crystal structure provides structural insights into Rho GTPase binding.
PDB reference: Xpln, 2z0q
The periplasmic glucose-binding protein from T. maritima consists of two domains with the ligand β-D-glucose buried between them. The two domains adopt a closed conformation.
PDB reference: glucose-binding protein, 2qvc
The structure of a complex of sperm whale myoglobin with phenol places this inhibitor of the haloperoxidase activity in a proximal cavity that is unlikely to be the halophenol binding site. The absence of phenol binding at the heme edge, where dehalogenation is likely to take place, indicates that the inhibitor and the halophenol substrates only bind in the active site in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.
P. aeruginosa peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase was cloned, expressed, purified and crystallized. The crystals obtained diffracted to 1.77 Å resolution.
PDB reference: peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, 4fyj
Crystal structures of the LpxA protein from A. baumannii were solved in apo forms that were suitable for structure-based antibacterial drug discovery.
crystallization communications
Inorganic pyrophosphatase from T. thioreducans has been crystallized and the crystals were deemed to be suitable for both X-ray and neutron diffraction at room temperature.
Crystals of S. scrofa quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase purified from porcine kidney in complex with nicotinate mononucleotidewere obtained and diffraction data were collected and processed to 2.1 Å resolution.
The enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD) catalyses a key early step in the biosynthesis of haem in which four molecules of the monopyrrole porphobilinogen are condensed to form a linear tetrapyrrole. PBGD from the model plant organism A. thaliana has been expressed and the enzyme was crystallized in a form that diffracted synchrotron radiation to high resolution.
The cloning, expression, purification and crystallization of phosphoethanolamine transferase A, an endotoxin-modifying enzyme from N. meningitidis, are reported.
The PH domain and ORD of the oxysterol-binding protein Osh3 from S. cerevisae were crystallized and X-ray diffraction data were collected.
A novel stage-specific surface protein, T. congolense insect-stage surface antigen (TcCISSA), from the African trypanosome T. congolense was recently identified by mass-spectrometric differential protein-expression analysis. To gain structure–function insight into this protein, the extracellular domain of TcCISSA was expressed, purified and crystallized and X-ray diffraction data were collected and processed to 2.7 Å resolution.
Two homologous hydrogen sulfide-producing enzymes, Fn1220 and Cdl, from F. nucleatum (which actively produces hydrogen sulfide) were overproduced, purified and crystallized. The crystals obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction.

Three different truncation constructs of the S-layer protein SbsC containing domains crucial for self-assembly could be crystallized. Native data were collected for the three crystal forms from crystals that diffracted to 3.4, 2.8 and 1.5 Å resolution.
Cystathionine γ-synthase (CGS) catalyzes the γ-replacement reaction of O-succinylhomoserine and L-cysteine to form L-cystathionine and succinate. As an antibacterial drug target, CGS from X. oryzae pv. oryzae (XometB) was cloned, purified and crystallized, and a preliminary X-ray crystallography analysis of the XometB crystal was performed.
Apaf-1-interacting protein (APIP) inhibits cell death involving caspase-1 and caspase-9. APIP was crystallized and X-ray diffraction data were collected to 2.40 Å resolution.
The expression and purification of Epstein–Barr virus BHRF1 as well as its co-crystallization with a peptidomimetic are described.
The THEM2 protein from zebrafish has successfully been expressed, purified and crystallized. Diffraction data were collected to a resolution of 1.8 Å.
The CIDE-N domain of Fsp27 expressed in E. coli was purified as a monomer and identified by LC/MS/MS. Crystals of the Fsp27 CIDE-N domain were grown in sitting-drop mode and diffracted to 1.92 Å resolution.
DdrB from D. radiodurans has been crystallized in complex with ssDNA and diffraction data have been collected to 2.3 Å resolution.
The invertase from S. cerevisiae was overexpressed, purified and crystallized, and its preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis is reported at 3.3 Å resolution.
Calcium-binding protein 5 from E. histolytica was cloned, expressed in E. coli and purified. The purified protein crystallized in space group C222 and the crystals diffracted to 2 Å resolution.
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the open form of human ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73)
The crystallization of human ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73) paves the way for detailed studies of the domain motion between the open and closed forms. It will also enable the structure-based design of inhibitors targeting the open form.
B. cereus TubZ was cocrystallized with GDP and diffraction data were collected to 2.1 Å resolution.
The transketolase TktA from B. pseudomallei has been cloned, expressed, purified and crystallized. Synchrotron X-ray data were collected to 2.0 Å resolution.
The preliminary crystallographic analysis of the Megavirus chilensis superoxide dismutase Mg277 is reported. The crystals belonged to space group P41212 or P43212, with one dimer per asymmetric unit.
Recombinant mevalonate kinase from M. mazei has been crystallized. Diffraction data were collected to 2.08 Å resolution.
A fructokinase from V. cholerae O395 has been cloned, expressed, purified and crystallized in the apo form; the crystals belonged to the orthorhombic space group P21212 and diffracted to 2.45 Å resolution. Fructokinase with ADP and fructose bound has also been crystallized and the crystals diffracted to a resolution of 1.75 Å.
An NAD(P)H-dependent carbonyl reductase specifically expressed in thyroidectomized chicken fatty liver was successfully isolated and crystallized.
The production, purification, crystallization and crystallographic analysis of H-1 Parvovirus, a gene-therapy vector, are reported.