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research papers
A procedure to predict the fatigue fracture life of high-heat-load components made of GlidCop has been successfully established. This method is based upon the Manson–Coffin equation with a cumulative linear damage law. This prediction was achieved by consolidating the results of experiments and analyses, and considered the effects of environment and creep. A low-cycle-fatigue test for GlidCop was conducted so that environment-dependent Δt–Nf diagrams for any temperature could be prepared. A special test piece was designed to concentrate the strain in a central area locally, resulting in the low-cycle-fatigue fracture. The experiments were carried out by repeatedly irradiating a test piece with an electron beam. The results of the experiment confirmed that the observed fatigue life was within a factor of two when compared with the predicted fatigue life, yet located on the safer side.
Keywords: front ends; high heat load; elastic-plastic analysis; GlidCop; thermal limitation; fatigue life; creep.