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Recently, synchrotron radiation computed microtomography (SRµCT) has emerged as a promising tool for non-destructive, in situ visualization of cochlear implant electrode arrays inserted into a human cochlea. Histological techniques have been the `gold standard' technique for accurate localization of cochlear implant electrodes but are suboptimal for precise three-dimensional measurements. Here, an SRµCT experimental setup is proposed that offers the benefit of a high spatial and contrast resolution (isotropic voxel size = 4.95 µm and propagation-based phase-contrast imaging), while visualizing the soft-tissue structures and electrode array of the cochlear implant simultaneously. In this work, perimodiolar electrode arrays have been tested, which incorporate thick and closely spaced platinum–iridium contacts and wiring. These data can assist cochlear implant and hearing research, can be used to verify electrode segmentation techniques for clinical computed tomography or could be utilized to evaluate cochlear implant electrode array designs.