research papers
Corvus: a framework for interfacing scientific software for spectroscopic and materials science applications
aDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA, bTheory Institute for Materials and Energy Spectroscopies, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, and cSchool of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
*Correspondence e-mail: fdv@uw.edu
Corvus, a Python-based package designed for managing workflows of physical simulations that utilize multiple scientific software packages, is presented. Corvus can be run as an executable script with an input file and automatically generated or custom workflows, or interactively, in order to build custom workflows with a set of Corvus-specific tools. Several prototypical examples are presented that link density functional, vibrational and
software packages and are of interest to the synchrotron community. These examples highlight the simplification of complex spectroscopy calculations that were previously limited to expert users, and demonstrate the flexibility of the Corvus infrastructure to tackle more general problems in other research areas.Keywords: Corvus; workflow manager; spectroscopy; materials science; property-driven.
1. Introduction
During the past decade, it has become increasingly important to combine the capabilities of multiple scientific software packages to simulate physical properties of complex condensed matter and molecular systems (Lawler et al., 2008; Marini et al., 2009
; Valiev et al., 2010
). For example, calculations of excited states and spectra of materials often require conformational, electronic structure and response properties from one or more density functional theory (DFT) packages, which are subsequently passed to one or more analysis packages to calculate additional physical properties. In this way, building tools that interface various scientific software packages allows one to take advantage of the strengths of each, and to improve spectral simulations without having to re-implement complicated algorithms with disparate input–output schemes. Previous scientific workflow developments typically consist of the creation of purpose-oriented tools using a variety of languages and coding strategies. The result of such a strategy is the proliferation of ad hoc workflow tools that are neither expandable nor connectable. Consequently, there is a steep learning curve for implementation, development, deployment and usage of these tools, creating a high barrier for inexperienced users. In light of these issues, we now aim to develop a more robust framework that can, out-of-the-box, much more easily run any of our current ready-made scientific workflows. This allows users to focus on the physics as opposed to the computational details. Moreover, we also want a flexible and easily managed platform that would allow even non-expert users to construct or modify their own workflows. A variety of such workflow tools already exists (Pizzi et al., 2016
; Wilde et al., 2011
; Spjuth et al., 2007
; Goecks et al., 2010
; Altintas et al., 2004
; AlSairafi et al., 2003
). These tools, and others meant to provide sophisticated computing paradigms such as federated and web-based computing, are rather general, and typically designed more for developers than general users. Therefore, we have developed a different all-encompassing physics-oriented framework that can generically accommodate various simple everyday workflows, spanning an arbitrary number of external software packages. This design has been implemented in the Python-based Corvus package, aimed at both less experienced users only wishing to run pre-built workflows that facilitates their research at the synchrotron, as well as expert users and developers interested in developing customizable interface and analysis tools. By catering to both target audiences, Corvus brings an attractive alternative to the scientific workflow landscape.
2. Corvus structure
Corvus is designed around two main layers: (1) a top-level layer that interacts with the user and executes the various steps defined in the workflow, and (2) lower-level infrastructure that interacts with the external scientific software to produce the desired output that is then translated into the physical properties required by the workflow. This stratification allows us to separate the implementation details specific to each external software package from the general workflow controls, to permit generic and modular workflow structures that can handle a wide variety of calculations.
Corvus relies on a Workflow object consisting of a sequence of modular steps, each providing part of the information needed to compute a desired physical property. These individual steps are dubbed Exchanges, since they take a set of input properties, pass it out to external software which then pass newly calculated output properties back in to a central workflow database. The code that deals with the external software is separated into independent components, or Handlers, that are specific to each external software package. These Workflow and Handler objects now contain the majority of our previous, ad hoc, workflow tools. Thus, Corvus is not simply a collection of purpose-oriented scripts but a broadly applicable scientific workflow infrastructure. The following sections give a more detailed description of the design and usage of Corvus.
2.1. Global structure of a Corvus simulation
The basic structure of Corvus consists of (1) the specification of the physical system being studied and its desired target properties, (2) the creation and execution of a given Corvus generated Workflow to compute them, and (3) a description and visualization of the resulting target properties. Fig. 1 shows a flowchart for the high-level infrastructure of a general Corvus calculation. In most common materials science and spectroscopy simulations, the input parameters used to control how a simulation runs (e.g. convergence conditions or grid sizes) are specific to how a given software package runs a particular type of simulation, and, in many cases, are spread over a multitude of input files. In Corvus, however, these types of parameters are easily deduced from the target property, and are managed automatically by the Handlers. In practical terms this means that the user only needs to provide a single minimal input file (see Section 2
) which specifies the physical system. The input is parsed and stored in a lookup table or System Property dictionary, that contains both physical properties and control parameters for a given workflow. This dictionary will update as the Corvus Workflow executes, incrementally growing the knowledge base of the system with each Exchange.
![]() | Figure 1 Overview of the top-level infrastructure in a Corvus run. The user's responsibility is constrained to choosing the target property and providing relevant input. Corvus creates a System Property dictionary which stores all information for the physical system being studied. This dictionary is continually updated as Corvus runs through the Workflow. The solid black arrows indicate progression in time, while the dashed green arrows represent data exchanges. |
After processing the information provided by the user, a Workflow can be read in from a file, or be automatically generated based on the target property and the scientific software available to Corvus. The structure of a generic Workflow will be discussed in Section 2.2. The automated workflow generation is currently carried out by a simple Builder. This Builder can handle basic tree-like workflows (Fig. 2
) by proceeding backwards from the desired property that forms the root of the dependency tree. For dependencies that can be fulfilled by more than one Handler the code either uses internal defaults or the usehandlers input token, described below, to override the defaults and give users the option to select their desired Handlers. A fully general Workflow builder requires an algorithm that accounts for the fact that a single calculation can generate multiple desired properties, and that certain properties require loops and conditionals based on the input. This more general Builder will be developed in future versions.
![]() | Figure 2 Illustration of a typical dependency graph for the main physical properties involved in the calculation of Debye–Waller (DW) factors using the ABINIT and DMDW software packages (as described in Section 3.2 ![]() |
The Corvus Workflow thus connects the sequence of Exchanges to be executed in order. We require the Handlers to abstract certain generic methods for running an Exchange using their associated external software (see Section 2.4). This allows Corvus to run through the entire workflow in an automated way. Each step in the calculation is run in a separate subdirectory so that the output from all the scientific software is later accessible in an organized fashion. Once finished, the output properties requested by the user are pulled from the property dictionary and written to file.
2.2. Scientific workflows driven by physical properties
The Workflow objects (Fig. 3) are designed to contain the minimal information required to allow Corvus to iterate through the sequence of calculations easily. More specifically, a Workflow consists of three main components: (1) a list of target properties requested by the user, (2) a list of Exchange operations to execute in order to produce the requested properties, and (3) the minimum list of input properties required from the user. Although the sequence of Exchanges must be executed in a specific order to produce the desired properties, as determined by the dependency tree spawned by the target property, the actual executions of the Exchanges are independent of each other. By breaking up the Workflow into discrete Exchanges it is easy to build in checkpointing and restarting of calculations. This is especially important when a user has a simulation with a workflow that starts with a computationally demanding calculation, but wants to rerun the simulation with different physical parameters that only affect later parts of the workflow.
![]() | Figure 3 The Corvus Workflow object consists of a sequence of Exchanges. Each Exchange is an independent component of the Workflow, and uses its assigned Handler to run the external scientific software that produces the desired physical properties which are then passed back up to the System Property dictionary, so they can be accessed in subsequent Exchanges. |
The Exchange object is also lightweight, simply facilitating the exchange of properties from the system dictionary to a specified Handler, and vice versa. Thus Exchanges merely contain a specification of the Handler to be used for calculation, and a list of input and requested output properties. With this information, Corvus can automatically call upon the specified Handler at each stage and have it generate the necessary output from the provided input without any knowledge of the Handler implementation details.
In addition to the Exchange there are currently two other workflow sequence structures – Updates and Loops. An Update is used to overwrite a given property (or list of properties) in the system property dictionary. This is useful for tasks like initializing a property and replacing it with an optimized/converged value or parameter sweeps. The Loop structure is used to run the same Exchange multiple times, but iterating over a grid (or grids) of parameters by executing an Update for each Exchange iteration. These control structures cover a broad range of useful scientific workflows relevant to the spectroscopy, chemistry and materials science communities, as demonstrated by the examples presented below. Development to include more sophisticated possibilities like branching and controlled loops is currently under way.
2.3. System property lookup table
All input and calculated quantities are stored in a single lookup table, currently implemented as a Python dictionary. Throughout the execution of a workflow, physical properties of the system being studied can be polled, added and updated. Typical properties currently stored in the System Properties dictionary are the composition and structure of the system, its electronic structure, the dynamical matrix, etc. The System Properties dictionary is similar to the runtime database used by NWChem (Valiev et al., 2010). By taking advantage of the Python dictionary structure, the state of the system can be easily updated or expanded. Moreover, given that the contents of the System Properties completely define the state of the system, Corvus can checkpoint simply by saving the System Properties dictionary. Another advantage is that the state of the system can be `forked' and looped over simply by duplicating the dictionary or changing its internal properties during the workflow. Finally, although the System Properties dictionary is a single-run repository, its structure makes it very well suited to be reused in other calculations.
2.4. Interfacing external software with Handlers
As shown in the previous sections, the structural design of Corvus is such that the flow control can operate at the top level without being hindered by technical details specific to the external software used to calculate the physical properties. This makes building workflows nearly effortless, but relies on the necessary Exchanges being supported by the Handlers. This has the additional advantage of making the infrastructure tolerant to missing external packages in that, if a package is missing, the construction of the Workflow will fail and Corvus will generate an error before any calculations are attempted. As such, the vast majority of technical developments lies in the creation of appropriate Handlers for each software package module. These interfaces are in essence the evolution of our previous scientific workflow tools.
The Handlers are generally independent of one another, so that the development for supporting the external scientific software packages can be done independently as well, simplifying the work of developers. To interface with the top-level flow control, a Handler only needs to implement the following set of basic functions used by Corvus to create Workflows and run Exchanges:
canProduce(output) — returns true/false based on whether or not the associated external software can produce the given output(s).
requiredInputFor(output) — returns a list of input properties the associated external software requires to produce the given output(s). This includes any output properties not supported by this Handler.
sequenceFor(output) — returns the Workflow sequence required to produce the given output(s).
prep() — prepares a subdirectory where the external software is run.
run(input,output) — runs the external software using the input given the input dictionary, and returns the required output in the output dictionary.
cleanup() — does any necessary clean-up of the subdirectory before finishing up the Exchange.
In addition, Handlers can have two helper functions dedicated to generating the input and translating the output of the different external packages:
generateInput(input,output) — creates the necessary input files used by the external software to produce the desired output and returns the list of files.
translateOutput(input,output) — extracts the desired properties from the output generated by the external software and translates them into the internal property dictionary format and returns them as a dictionary to be stored in the system property dictionary.
2.5. Usage
Corvus currently supports the following command line arguments:
-i/--input [filename] — specify input file (default Corvus.inp).
-w/--workflow — specify pre-generated workflow file.
--prefix [string] — specify a prefix/label for subdirectories and output files, restricted to alphanumeric and [- _ .] characters (default = `Corvus').
-c/--checkpoints — enable checkpointing.
-r/--resume — load savefile ([prefix].nest) and continue from last savepoint.
-s/--save [filename] — specify savefile other than default.
--parallelrun [command string] — specify command prefix for parallelized program commands, e.g. "mpirun -np 24". This includes any options, environmental variables, settings, etc., to control the parallel execution of an internal calculation.
For example, the command
generates and runs a Workflow to produce the electron spectral function, where the target is selected in the Cu-sf.inp input file (Section 2), with checkpointing enabled, and using the standard MPI parallel jobs command mpirun with 96 processors.
The command
loads, with checkpointing enabled, the saved Corvus state file with prefix old ( old.nest) and resumes where the previous Workflow left off, refreshing the values of any properties listed in the input file Cu-refresh.inp .
runs the pre-generated Workflow expansion.wf using 240 processors on a Cray supercomputer cluster, which uses the aprun command for parallel jobs.
In addition to operating as a Workflow driver, Corvus can be used as a software library for any of the workflow tools written by our developers, e.g. input file generators or output file parsers and translators, as they can be imported just as any other Python module. This also allows users to use the Corvus tools on-the-fly through the Python interpreter – useful for tasks such as post hoc analysis, or construction of workflows, input files, etc. – or through user-made Python scripts. For example, if a user wanted to change the value of a certain property midway through a given Workflow this can be achieved as shown in Fig. 4: the Workflow myworkflow.wf is loaded, an update is generated for the temp property using the Update method, and this update is inserted into the Workflow at the desired point. Furthermore, by enabling checkpointing, the user ensures that the entire system property dictionary is saved to file. Since the saved file is formatted using Python's standard pickle module, the user can load the saved state, either in the Python interpreter or in any Python script, and manipulate any of the saved properties at will. This is a more attractive alternative to the user than having the additional step of parsing and translating output data files themselves. This command line structure is also well suited to the development of graphical user interfaces which can hide details of the syntax in these commands. A GUI, currently under development, would provide users with a graphical method for constructing, visualizing, debugging and running workflows, as well as visualizing output.
![]() | Figure 4 Example of how to change a property value within a Workflow. The required Corvus structures are imported from the Corvus module, a property Update is created, and Exchange is inserted into the workflow. |
2.6. Input/output and configuration files
The input for Corvus has a generic property token driven format similar to that used in the AI2PS, AI2NBSE and OCEAN software packages developed in our group (Story et al., 2014; Vinson et al., 2011
; Gilmore et al., 2015
). Their input-parsing tool has been translated into a Python version called Parsnip, which is an independent utility included in the Corvus package. The input grammar is composed of a token string followed by the input value(s) wrapped in curly braces (see Fig. 5
for details on the generic syntax). Property tokens must be one string of non-white-space characters. The input file supports standard Python-style commenting as well. This format is also used in the Corvus configuration and initialization files, which set paths to external software packages and default values for many parameters. This is very convenient since the input tokens can thus be easily checked against the currently implemented tokens. Moreover, new input tokens can be added to Corvus without any recoding by simply adding them to the configuration files. Once a token is added, its value is automatically available to all Handlers. Finally, the Corvus syntax and its internal Python representation as a simple dictionary makes it well suited to be converted into more standard formats such as XML and JSON. Corvus modules for this purpose are currently under development.
![]() | Figure 5 Example grammar for an input file read by Parsnip, the input parser used in Corvus. As shown with token4, if an input value is a single entry with no white-space, the curly braces can be dropped if desired. Comments can be denoted by the # and/or ! characters. |
Since Corvus makes use of external software to calculate physical properties, there is output produced both by Corvus and the external packages themselves. The raw output from each Exchange is kept in the subdirectory where the external software was run. The output from Corvus is currently limited to the final target properties requested by the user, but the amount of desired output can be easily tailored to the needs of the user. In addition, all important data are stored in the saved System Properties dictionary, and can be easily accessed after the end of the calculation.
The list of input tokens and their default or expected values is too long to include here but can be found in the Corvus manual. Here we highlight a few examples of input tokens that are important to control the way a Corvus run is executed, some general methodological tokens, and a few of the physical properties that can set in the input:
target_list — a list of space-separated strings that controls the targets of a given Workflow.
usehandlers — a list of the Handlers to be used to control the generation of the Workflow. This token helps Corvus manage targets that can be produced by multiple Handlers.
method — this token helps the Workflow generator choose which Handlers can produce properties with a particular theoretical method, for instance, DFT, MP2 or CCSD.
cell_vectors — this token sets the simulation cell vectors for a periodic boundary conditions calculation.
2.7. Requirements and obtaining the code
One of the goals of the Corvus platform is to minimize installation and management issues for the user. We therefore kept this initial version of Corvus constrained to Python 2.7. Nevertheless, we are currently working on porting the code to Python 3, in preparation for this version becoming more widespread. Additional Python packages that provide useful analysis tools [e.g. Numpy (van der Walt et al., 2011)] can be treated like any other external software package, and can be enabled through their own Handlers. Consequently, users only need Python 2.7 to install Corvus, and the Corvus workflows that are possible will be determined by the specific external software packages available on the user's system. The code is open source (BSD 3-clause license) and can be found in the software website of the Theoretical Institute for Materials and Energy Spectroscopies (TIMES) (TIMES, 2019
3. Example applications
Our initial applications of Corvus focused on the simulation of various spectral and thermal properties of molecular and condensed matter systems. The following sections briefly describe prototypical scientific workflows for a few key properties in order to demonstrate the capabilities of Corvus, in particular highlighting its usefulness to synchrotron scientists.
3.1. Dynamic disorder in XANES
Experimental et al., 2014; Hedin & Rosengren, 1977
; Fujikawa et al., 1999
; Uejio et al., 2008
; Pascal et al., 2014
; Nemausat et al., 2015
). These conditions induce thermal dynamical disorder which generally leads to the broadening, shift and, occasionally, the appearance of additional features in the spectra. Peak shifts can be caused by effects as the average bond distances change with temperature. Additional shoulder-like features involving new transitions can also appear, arising from dynamical symmetry-breaking around certain atoms. In this instance, X-ray dipole transitions that are symmetry-forbidden in the 0 K structure become allowed due to thermal fluctuations of the nuclear positions (Pascal et al., 2014
, 2015
). These effects cannot be reproduced simply by broadening spectra computed with a 0 K structure, and simulations must take into account the temperature-induced dynamical disorder. One way to straightforwardly introduce such effects in first-principles simulations is to average over ab initio (AIMD) trajectories (Uejio et al., 2008
; Pascal et al., 2014
). This approach is most useful in large, disordered or anharmonic systems involving, for instance, surfaces, solvent–solute interactions, etc., where explicit calculations of the vibrational frequencies and eigenmodes are either prohibitively expensive or inaccurate. Furthermore, such an approach can be generalized to excited-state non-adiabatic as well (Attar et al., 2017
). Given that AIMD trajectory-averaged of molecular and nanoscale systems are regularly needed, we implemented a Corvus workflow to automate the process within NWChem (Valiev et al., 2010
). Fig. 6
shows a diagram of the workflow, while Figs. 7
and 8
show the Corvus input file and the results obtained for the 300 K AIMD-averaged C K-edge of chloroacetylene, respectively. It should be noted that, although in this example we use NWChem to compute the spectrum, this step could also be accomplished using the Feff Handler, and, in the future, an OCEAN (Story et al., 2014
; Vinson et al., 2011
; Gilmore et al., 2015
) Handler that is currently under development. Moreover, unless otherwise stated, the input shown here and in other figures is all that is required to produce the requested target.
![]() | Figure 6 Workflow diagram for the calculation of AIMD-averaged X-ray spectra using NWChem. |
![]() | Figure 7 Sample input file for calculations of AIMD-averaged X-ray spectra using NWChem. The input declares the target, the structure of the molecule, the temperature for the MD, and the parameters for the calculation. |
![]() | Figure 8 Comparison of the 0 K and AIMD-averaged C K-edge X-ray absorption spectra of chloroacetylene computed with Corvus and NWChem. |
In this example, the user simply provides a starting structure in standard xyz format, and indicates that the output should be an AIMD-averaged X-ray through the target _ list option opt _ xasavg. The option opt _ xasavg indicates that the input structure should be optimized before starting the AIMD. The only additional information needed is the target temperature for the AIMD simulation via the nwchem.qmd.targ_temp option, as well as the number of roots and relevant energy range for a TDDFT simulation of the C K-edge X-ray (Zhang et al., 2012). Within NWChem, the number of roots dictates the total number of excitation energies calculated in solving the linear-response TDDFT Casida equations (Casida & Huix-Rotllant, 2012
). Additionally for X-ray absorption spectra, a restricted energy window that includes the relevant core-orbitals as initial states needs to be indicated to target the desired subset of core-excitations (Zhang et al., 2012
). Together, these parameters control the range of energies over which spectral transitions are calculated. With this minimal input Corvus will carry out a series of steps to produce the AIMD averaged spectrum shown in Fig. 8
. The internal Corvus NWChem input file is a combination of the user-provided input and an extensive set of sensible defaults that aim to strike a compromise between accuracy and efficiency. The user can of course override the defaults by setting them explicitly in the Corvus input file. In this example a total of 120 individual AIMD snapshots are used, each of which results in one spectrum. In the last step Corvus consolidates the individual spectra, which are in the form of a list of excitation energies and corresponding oscillator strengths, into a single file to be post-processed by the user before plotting. The final AIMD averaged output spectrum also includes a 0.1 eV core-hole lifetime broadening. As expected, significant temperature broadening of the spectral peaks as well as some additional structure is observed.
3.2. Ab initio Debye–Waller factors
Debye–Waller (DW) factors describe the exponential damping observed in X-ray spectra due to thermal vibrations and The effect of vibrations is dominated by an average over the oscillatory behavior of the scattering paths – as the atoms oscillate, so do the lengths of the scattering paths – the largest contribution coming from the mean square relative displacement of the scattering path (Grimvall, 1986; Vila et al., 2007
). These DW factors can be efficiently and accurately calculated from a system's dynamical matrix (DM) of or Hessian, using the standalone DMDW (Dynamical Matrix Debye–Waller) module from the FEFF software package (Rehr et al., 2009
; Vila et al., 2007
). The however, cannot be calculated internally in FEFF and must be provided to the DMDW module from an external source. Currently Corvus includes handlers for ABINIT (Gonze et al., 2016
, 2009
; Gonze & Lee, 1997
) and NWChem (Valiev et al., 2010
) that can produce dynamical matrices and Hessians, respectively, and can be used in DMDW calculations. The typical Corvus workflow using the ABINIT Handler for such a calculation is shown in Fig. 9
. In this workflow the complicated process (Vila et al., 2007
) of generating the appropriate q-point grid and converting the dynamical matrix to real space is done automatically before passing it to the DMDW module. Typical results from this workflow are presented in Fig. 10
, which shows a comparison of the experimental (Ahmed et al., 2013
) and theoretical temperature variation of the near-neighbor mean square relative displacement for GaAs. It should be noted that, although these DW factors can be included in fits post facto, this workflow can also be extended to compute spectra with ab initio DW factors directly by replacing the DMDW step with a FEFF one that computes the DW factors internally and includes them in the calculation. This workflow is currently under development.
![]() | Figure 9 Workflow diagram for the calculation of EXAFS DW factors by passing ABINIT dynamical matrices to the FEFF standalone DMDW module. |
![]() | Figure 10 Comparison of the experimental (Ahmed et al., 2013 ![]() |
Fig. 11 shows the result of a different Corvus workflow in which the NWChem software package is used to generate Hessians (the molecular equivalent of the dynamical matrix) for a variety of diatomic, triatomic and tetratomic molecules. Typical input and output files for these types of calculations are shown in Figs. 12
and 13
, and the supporting information shows a comparison between a given Corvus input and all the input files automatically generated for that workflow, highlighting the extreme simplification provided by Corvus. This workflow also includes an automatic optimization of the structures of the molecules. The simulated single-scattering DW factors for the different types of bonds are compared with experimental results (Dimakis & Bunker, 1998
) and show that they are mostly within the expected uncertainty (Crozier, 1997
) of the experimental methods (±10%, gray region on the plot).
![]() | Figure 11 Comparison of the experimental (Dimakis & Bunker, 1998 ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Figure 12 Sample input file for calculations of DW factors using a combination of NWChem and the DMDW module in FEFF. The input declares the list of targets, the structure of the molecule, the basis set for the NWChem calculations, and the parameters for the DMDW section. |
![]() | Figure 13 Sample output file for calculations of DW factors using a combination of NWChem and the DMDW module in FEFF. The target property (`s ^ 2') is reported as a function of temperature together with the parameters for the scattering path, such as the indices of the atoms involved and the length of the path. This output is in the form of a Python dictionary that can be easily imported into other analysis tools. |
3.3. Thermal expansion
A goal of many simulations is to calculate the temperature dependence of phonon properties by including et al., 2007). Therefore, the procedure for determining the lattice constant as a function of temperature is as follows: (1) For a range of temperatures calculate the Helmholtz free energy for a range of lattice constants at this temperature, and (2) find the minimum of the Helmholtz free energy with respect to lattice constant for each temperature. This can be accomplished by building up a Helmholtz free energy surface as a function of both temperature and lattice constant, then minimizing at each temperature. A typical workflow for this process is shown in Fig. 14
. DMDW itself produces results for a grid of temperatures, so Corvus can collect these results for a grid of lattice sizes to create the Helmholtz free energy surface. The collection of property calculations is finally passed to the Numpy Handler, which does the remaining analysis to determine the a(T) curve. Fig. 15
presents typical results for the relative of Cu compared with experiment (Nix & MacNair, 1941
; White, 1973
![]() | Figure 14 Corvus workflow for calculating thermal expansion using the ABINIT and DMDW Corvus handlers. |
![]() | Figure 15 Theoretical and experimental (Nix & MacNair, 1941 ![]() ![]() |
3.4. Structural optimization and RIXS/XES
One very common and important task for analysis of spectroscopies is to optimize the structure of a system given an initial structure based on, for example, crystallographic or molecular data of a similar system. The optimization can be performed using DFT or hybrid functionals, or more accurate methods. FEFF then takes the optimized structure as input, and can produce a variety of spectroscopic quantities. In this example, the X-ray (XES) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) of the [LMn(acac)N]+ cation in [LMn(acac)N]BPh4 (shown at the top of Fig. 18, and where the `L' stands for 1,4,7-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane) are calculated at the initial structure using FEFF, optimization is performed using ORCA (Neese, 2012), and the spectra are calculated again using the optimized structure. This is a relatively simple workflow (see Fig. 16
), but can be directed by the user, i.e. by specifying a set of targets as well as the order of calculation of those targets. While the input to the two software packages separately might be quite involved, especially for the calculation of RIXS, the automation has reduced the input to a minimal set of required properties, such as the coordinates of the atoms in the molecule (cluster), the absorbing atom, and the X-ray edge of interest, as shown in Fig. 17
![]() | Figure 16 Diagram of workflow for XES and RIXS from initial and optimized structure. |
![]() | Figure 17 Sample input file for calculations of XES and RIXS using ORCA and FEFF. |
Fig. 18 shows the RIXS spectrum (middle) of [LMn(acac)N] BPh4 calculated at the optimized structure, and the spectrum (bottom) calculated at the optimized structure compared with that calculated from the initial structure and experimental results (Smolentsev et al., 2009
). Note the appreciable improvement in agreement with experiment when the optimized structure is used.
![]() | Figure 18 Structure of the LMn(acac)N]+ cation (top) in [LMn(acac)N]BPh4, where the `L' stands for 1,4,7-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane, its RIXS spectrum (middle) at the optimized structure, and theoretical (bottom) calculated at both the optimized (blue) and initial structure (red), compared with the experimental result (Smolentsev et al., 2009 ![]() |
4. Conclusions
We have developed Corvus, a general property-driven scientific workflow tool designed to interface multiple scientific software packages, highlighting its application to FEFF, NWChem, ABINIT and ORCA. Many extensions are possible, both to other external packages for high-performance computing and exascale resources, through integration with other workflow tools such as SWIFT, and by creating modules that interface to data sources such as the Materials Project (Jain et al., 2013). We are currently developing a smart workflow generator capable of creating more complex, non-linear data flows. Finally we are developing a graphical user interface that will enable users to create and execute their own data flows in a simplified, intuitive way.
Supporting information
Comparison of the Corvus input file for a typical run with all the automatically generated files. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577519007495/rv5112sup1.pdf
Funding information
This work was supported primarily by the Theory Institute for Materials and Energies Science (TIMES) at SLAC which is funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering, under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515, with computational support from NERSC, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
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