checkCIF procedure


PURPOSE: To check that _exptl_crystal_colour is consistent with expected colour code combinations.

IF _exptl_crystal_colour != (qualifier)(intensity)(base-colour)
issue ALERT C
where allowed values are:

blank, metallic, lusterous, translucent, fluorescent, clear

blank, dark, light, intense, pale

white, black, blue, violet, red, pink, yellow, gold, silver, bronze, grey, orange, green, colourless, brown, purple

IF A word has been used that has not been identified as a standard identifier issue ALERT C
   "Alert C The word below has not been recognised as a standard identifier."
IF No recognised colour has been given for crystal colour issue ALERT C
   "Alert C No recognised colour has been given for crystal colour."
IF The identifiers are ordered incorrectly issue ALERT C
   "Alert C There is an ordering error in _exptl_crystal_colour. It should be (QUALIFIER) (INTENSITY) (BASE_COLOUR)."

_exptl_crystal_colour must be given as a set of specific keywords in the following specific order:


where (QUALIFIER) and/or (INTENSITY) are optional. These keywords must be chosen from the following list:

(qualifier) blank, metallic, lustrous, translucent, fluorescent, clear

(intensity) blank, dark, light, intense, pale

(base-colour) white, black, blue, violet, red, pink, yellow, gold, silver, bronze, grey, orange, green, colourless, brown, purple

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