research papers
Slice'N'Dice: maximizing the value of predicted models for structural biologists
aInstitute of Structural, Molecular and Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZB, United Kingdom, bUKRI–STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Research Complex at Harwell, Didcot OX11 0FA, United Kingdom, and cYork Structural Biology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of York, York, United Kingdom
*Correspondence e-mail:,
With the advent of next-generation modelling methods, such as AlphaFold2, structural biologists are increasingly using predicted structures to obtain structure solutions via (MR) or model fitting in single-particle cryogenic sample (cryoEM). Differences between the domain–domain orientations represented in a predicted model and a are often a key limitation when using predicted models. Slice'N'Dice is a software package designed to address this issue by first slicing models into distinct structural units and then automatically placing the slices using either Phaser, MOLREP or PowerFit. The slicing step can use the AlphaFold predicted aligned error (PAE) or can operate via a variety of Cα-atom-based clustering algorithms, extending the applicability to structures of any origin. The number of splits can either be selected by the user or determined automatically. Slice'N'Dice is available for both MR and automated map fitting in the CCP4 and CCP-EM software suites.
Keywords: structure determination; cryo-EM; X-ray crystallography; molecular replacement; structure prediction.
1. Introduction
In macromolecular X-ray crystallography (MX), et al., 2021) between November 2023 and October 2024 having been solved by MR. The emergence of next-generation predicted models has wide-reaching implications for MX, with MR being a key application. The availability of sufficiently close homologues with experimentally determined structures has always been a limitation in MR, one which is largely solved by the highly accurate models produced by next-generation modelling methods such as AlphaFold2 (Jumper et al., 2021
), RosettaFold (Baek et al., 2021
) and ESMFold (Lin et al., 2023
In MX, studies (McCoy et al., 2022; Terwilliger et al., 2024
; Keegan et al., 2024
) have shown that using high-quality predictions as search models in MR can solve the vast majority of cases, even where the original employed experimental phasing. To facilitate this, some preprocessing of the predicted model is often required for success in MR and the same is true for cryoEM map fitting. The quality of the predicted model can vary across the target sequence, with some regions being inaccurately predicted. AlphaFold2, RosettaFold and ESMFold each provide predicted quality scores on a per-residue basis that can be used to guide the removal of any residues that are likely to have been inaccurately modelled. AlphaFold2 and ESMFold give the predicted local distance difference test (pLDDT) score (Jumper et al., 2021
), a per-residue estimate of its confidence on a scale from 0 to 100 and 0 to 1, respectively, where higher values correspond to higher confidence. RosettaFold gives an estimated root-mean-square deviation (r.m.s.d.), a per-residue estimate of the r.m.s.d. to the true structure, where lower values correspond to higher confidence. The methods store this information in the B factor column of their output PDB files.
While local confidence scores work well for estimating the reliability of individual residues, they are unable to indicate global inaccuracies in the model such as those caused by inter-domain conformational changes. To address this problem, AlphaFold2 provides a predicted aligned error (PAE; Varadi et al., 2022) matrix. The PAE shows the expected error in the distances between residues. Low PAE values signify high confidence and, when sustained over a range of residues, often correspond to well defined structural domains, while high PAE values indicate greater uncertainty and are typically found in regions between domains or in more flexible parts of the protein. The PAE can therefore be used to assess the reliability of a predicted inter-domain orientation.
Another important step for MX is the conversion of the pLDDT/r.m.s.d. values into pseudo-B factors. When using PDB-derived search models, B factors are used for weighting search models in Phaser (McCoy et al., 2007), and therefore the use of pseudo-B factors can improve the performance of the models in MR (Croll et al., 2019
; Oeffner et al., 2022
Here, we present Slice'N'Dice, an automated pipeline to efficiently process and deploy deep-learning-based structure predictions in both the MX and cryoEM fields. It first processes predicted models by removing low-confidence regions and converting confidence scores into pseudo-B factors. It then slices predicted models into distinct structural units which can be placed in an automated fashion. With MR, a strategy is employed which either provides Phaser (McCoy et al., 2007) with all of the slices or attempts to place the slices individually before combining any placements that are deemed to be successful (hybrid mode), while in cryoEM map fitting a novel machine-learning model is used to guide the sequential acceptance of placed structural units. Taken together, these pipelines allow Slice'N'Dice to maximize the effectiveness of predicted models in both MR and EM map fitting.
2. Methods
Slice'N'Dice is a combination of two steps: `Slice', which breaks models up into distinct structural units, and `Dice', a step that was originally developed to perform automated MR on the split models (named as a nod to the methods in Phaser) but that now also encompasses map fitting for cryoEM.
2.1. Slice
2.1.1. Clustering
Clustering algorithms are used to detect distinct structural units within a predicted model. Slice'N'Dice provides eight clustering methods for users to choose from (Fig. 1). Six clustering methods, coloured teal in the figure, are used from the scikit-learn machine-learning library (version 1.0.2; Garreta & Moncecchi, 2013
). These exploit the proximity of atoms in domains to clusters based on the coordinates of the Cα atoms. Two other PAE-based methods are also provided from the Computational Crystallography Toolbox library (cctbx; Grosse-Kunstleve et al., 2002
). Both cluster on the PAE output from AlphaFold2 (Oeffner et al., 2022
). Based on preliminary data, the BIRCH algorithm (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies; Zhang et al., 1996
) has been found to be the most effective and is the current default in Slice'N'Dice.
![]() | Figure 1 Venn diagram showing the various clustering methods used to split models into distinct structural units and included in Slice'N'Dice. Shown in teal are clustering methods included in scikit-learn that cluster based on Cα-atom coordinates. Shown in orange are clustering methods included in cctbx that cluster based on the predicted aligned error (PAE) from AlphaFold2. On the left are all of the clustering methods that require the number of clusters to be specified and on the right are clustering methods that automatically determine the number of clusters. The cctbx PAE methods automatically identify clusters: however, if a user defines a maximum number of splits, Slice'N'Dice performs an additional step to merge the closest clusters until the number of splits is less than or equal to the maximum number of splits. |
The clustering methods can be subdivided further into those methods which automatically determine the number of clusters to produce and those methods which require users to manually specify the number of clusters to produce. The two PAE-based methods produce automatically determined structural units, but Slice'N'Dice allows these to be combined where a user has specified a smaller number of slices by calculating the centroid for each cluster and clustering these centroids using the agglomerative clustering algorithm. For those methods where the number of clusters needs to be or can be specified, users can set the minimum and maximum number of splits to be made. This allows Slice'N'Dice to test a range of different splits (Fig. 2).
![]() | Figure 2 Flowchart showing the model-slicing process. Scikit-learn methods are shown in teal and cctbx methods are shown in orange. |
In some cases, particularly when fitting to a cryoEM map, target structures can be very large and may require separate predictions of component parts. To handle this scenario, the program can be given a list of predicted models as input. The number of times that each individual input model is split can also be specified when using manual clustering options.
2.1.2. Model truncation and B factor treatment
The type of score contained in the B factor column of a model coordinate file (for example pLDDT for AlphaFold2, r.m.s.d. for RosettaFold and fractional pLDDT for ESMFold) can be specified by the user. Predicted models often require some form of truncation to succeed in MR. Low-confidence residues in the predicted model are unlikely to have the same conformation in a crystal or cryoEM structure. Slice'N'Dice manipulates the B factor column data from a predicted model in two ways.
For AlphaFold2 models, the default pLDDT threshold is 70 and for RosettaFold models the default RMS threshold is 1.75. Both values can be set by the user. If using models that have already undergone a pseudo-B factor conversion, the conversion step can be skipped. To enable the truncation of poorly predicted regions in this scenario, the given pLDDT threshold value is converted into a pseudo-B factor and any residues scoring above this value are removed.
2.2. Dice
The second part of the Slice'N'Dice pipeline, `Dice', performs or map fitting using the individual slices produced by `Slice'.
2.2.1. MX Dice
In the default mode, Dice provides all of the slices to Phaser (McCoy et al., 2007) simultaneously to automatically place as many slices as possible. This strategy works in the vast majority of cases, but in some situations smaller parts of the sliced model can be difficult to place through standard MR. To aid with their placement we incorporated an additional search step making use of a phased translation function (PTF; Read & Schierbeek, 1988
). This uses the phases generated from those slices that have already been successfully placed by Phaser (achieving a per-slice LLG of ≥60) to improve the chances of placing smaller search models. The current implementation of Slice'N'Dice makes use of MOLREP (Vagin & Teplyakov, 2010
) to perform this step, but it could also be performed using Phaser. Specifically, we make use of the SAPTF (spherically averaged phased translation function) implementation from MOLREP where the position of the centre of mass of a search model is found prior to determination of its orientation. The orientation is subsequently found by a phased rotation function (Vagin & Isupov, 2001
). After each MOLREP job, REFMAC5 (Murshudov et al., 2011
) is used to assess whether the placed slice has improved the solution. Fig. 3
(a) shows the decision-making process used in the hybrid mode.
![]() | Figure 3 Flowchart showing (a) the Slice'N'Dice hybrid MR mode, where Phaser jobs are ordered by slice size and run in order if a single processor is specified or run in parallel if multiple processors are specified. Any solutions found in this initial Phaser step are combined and used as a fixed model that is input into the MOLREP subprocess [detailed in (c)]. (b) The Slice'N'Dice EM pipeline. (c) The MOLREP PTF step where we attempt to place additional slices from a fixed input model. If the R scores improve the output is either set as a fixed model for subsequent slices or returned as our final MR solution. |
2.2.2. CryoEM Dice
When provided with a cryoEM density reconstruction (map), the Slice'N'Dice EM pipeline makes use of two automatic map-fitting programs: MOLREP and PowerFit (van Zundert & Bonvin, 2015). MOLREP runs on a single core, which means that multiple splits can be docked into a map file simultaneously, providing an efficient form of map fitting for a CPU-based workstation. Alternatively, Powerfit performs an exhaustive rotational and translational search across the map. This has a high computational cost on CPU-based workstations, but these computations can be offloaded to the GPU, reducing the processing time drastically. MOLREP is run by default and is distributed as part of the CCP4 and CCP-EM software suites. PowerFit needs to be installed as an additional dependency. This can be performed using package-ccpem2 ( Fig. 3
(b) illustrates the overall Dice pipeline for EM, although slight differences exist between the methodology depending on how the map-fitting programs utilize the hardware. MOLREP can be run in parallel and the top, non-overlapping, models that pass a machine-learning classifier (Section
) are returned. PowerFit will run sequentially using the previous fitted model (assuming that it has passed the checking process) as a fixed model. Map–model binary classifier
Assessing the suitability of the map-fitted models can be accomplished through a trained eye and validation metrics; however, automating this process presents a significant challenge. To tackle this issue, a machine-learning approach was employed. The map–model fitting scores ultimately included in the training data for the machine-learning classifier were Fourier shell correlation average (FSCavg), mutual information (MI), cross correlation (CC) and segment-based Manders' overlap coefficient (SMOC). Also included are overlap map and overlap model scores. These give the classifier additional information about the relative size of the map/model. Additional information on the classifier training, the calculation of the map–model scores and hyperparameter optimization can be found in the supporting information.
A training data set of approximately 14 000 rows of scores is generated as input for the classifier. Typically, a test–train split is performed for training purposes. During preliminary training of the data, overfitting was a significant concern, given that multiple protein models can be trained on a single map. To mitigate this effect, a separate, smaller training data set was generated so that the classifier could be tested against maps that it has not encountered. The data set was balanced using undersampling, and any noise from the score-generation process was eliminated.
Various machine-learning binary-classification models were tested as part of the training process; all of these are available through the scikit-learn Python package (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The models tested were support vector classifier, k-nearest neighbours classifier, random forest classifier, extra trees classifier and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) classifier. Each of these models was accessible through scikit-learn. SGD is not inherently a classifier but implements different classifiers and uses the SGD algorithm for optimization. The efficacy of the model depends on the chosen loss. Out of these classifiers, SGD was chosen for the task due to its preliminary aptitude and reduced computational time for training, which greatly sped up the hyperparameter-testing process.
To fine-tune the model, the scikit-learn class RandomizedSearchCV was utilized (Pedregosa et al., 2011), employing a range of different hyperparameters to optimize the accuracy scoring function. Choosing an alternative scoring metric resulted in the classifier heavily favouring one class to maximize the score, whereas optimizing for accuracy led to more balanced predictions. See Table 1
for the hyperparameters, their search spaces and the selected value used for the final training of the classifier. Various loss functions were tested during the hyperparameter stage despite choosing log loss for the final classifier round. This ensured a probability score which is used in the Slice'N'Dice clash checker (see below). When selecting log loss, the SGD classifier employs logistic regression.
| Clash checker
During map fitting, multiple models can be placed in a way in which they overlap with one another. Each slice is run with MOLREP concurrently across the entire search space in the map, and therefore the outputs can overlap. Issues can also arise with PowerFit when it places models in close proximity. To mitigate this, if two models share the same bounding box, a clash checker is run to determine whether and to what extent they overlap.
To prevent two models occupying the same space (overlapping), a ball-tree algorithm is used. The ball tree is a data structure used for efficient nearest-neighbour searches in high-dimensional spaces by recursively partitioning data points into nested hyperspheres or balls (Omohundro, 1989). In our case, the data points are the atom model coordinates. A ball tree is able to make efficient comparisons of distances between itself and another ball tree, making it more resilient to larger input sizes (here larger atomic models). The ball tree is calculated using the scikit-learn Python package (Pedregosa et al., 2011
). Currently, the overlap check examines atoms within a distance threshold of 3.8 Å. This threshold is based on the average r.m.s.d. of the distances between two continuous Cα atoms in an atomic model (Chakraborty et al., 2013
); the rationale is that the C atoms on the opposing protein structure should fall outside this range. If more than 5% of atoms in the shorter model extend beyond this threshold, the models are considered to be overlapping. The 5% threshold was chosen to allow for small overlapping regions that might potentially be resolved later without obstructing the discovery of a global solution. If a clash is found, the protein model with the higher classifier-calculated probability value is chosen and the other is discarded.
2.3. Assessing the results
2.3.1. MX
An all-atom r.m.s.d. (with outlier rejection) was calculated between the target and the model before and after Slice'N'Dice using PyMOL ( to assess the improvement in the overall alignment achieved by slicing the model. MR in Phaser was considered to be successful when the log-likelihood gain (LLG) improved by 60 or more and the translation-function Z-score (TFZ) was ≥8 for each placed slice (Oeffner et al., 2018). By default Slice'N'Dice also performs ten cycles of jelly-body (increased to 100 as of version 0.1.1) using REFMAC5 (Murshudov et al., 2011
), with R scores of ≤0.45 considered to be indicative of a solution. To verify any solutions, phenix.get_cc_mtz_pdb (Liebschner et al., 2019
) was used to calculate the map (mapCC) score against the deposited structure, with a global mapCC score ≥0.25 being considered to be a success.
2.3.2. CryoEM
A ChimeraX fitmap function with model shift and rotation deactivated to restrain the current position of the model in the map for scoring (Pettersen et al., 2021). Unlike CC for MX, CC for cryoEM does not have a defined threshold for a solution, being more helpful for comparisons of alternative possible solutions. Nevertheless, Supplementary Table S3 provides an insight into the distribution of CC scores of EMDB-deposited cryoEM maps and their corresponding protein models. From this distribution, a CC greater than 0.507 and 0.559 (Supplementary Table S3) in the resolution ranges 4.5–6 Å and >6 Å, respectively, is likely to indicate a good fit; anything less than 0.408 and 0.4345, respectively, is likely to suggest a misfit.
3. Results
3.1. Results overview
Slice'N'Dice can enable a more effective use of structure predictions in MR. In this way, some cases that would otherwise be difficult or intractable can readily be solved. Here, we show a number of examples, deposited after the release of AlphaFold2, that highlight the ways in which Slice'N'Dice can maximize the effectiveness of predicted models in MR and in cryoEM. The structure predictions used in the MX testing were generated using AlphaFold2 (Jumper et al., 2021), while the structure predictions used in the cryoEM testing were generated using ColabFold (Mirdita et al., 2022
3.2. MX examples
3.2.1. Example 1: PDB entry 7oa7
PDB entry 7oa7 is a of a PilC minor pilin solved by single-wavelength (SAD). At the time of its release, the closest hit in the PDB (PDB entry 3asi) had only 12% sequence identity to the target and was insufficiently similar to succeed as an MR search model (Fig. 4a). A model made by AlphaFold2 had very good predicted quality overall (average pLDDT 85.61) but was unable to solve the structure since AlphaFold2 modelled a different conformation between the two domains (Fig. 4
b). By using the BIRCH algorithm in Slice'N'Dice to split the structure into two, the structure can readily be solved by MR with a final LLG of 1339 and a global mapCC of 0.7 (Table 2
, Fig. 4
c). This structure could also be solved using the PAE networkx algorithm (Hagberg et al., 2008
; Oeffner et al., 2022
) with the maximum number of splits set to two (Table 2
). BIRCH and PAE networkx identified slightly different domain boundaries (Supplementary Fig. S1), and whilst BIRCH seemed to work slightly better in this case, both methods could be refined to the same point.
![]() | Figure 4 (a) The closest match in the PDB to the target structure, PDB entry 3asi (orange, r.m.s.d. 10.88 Å), superimposed on the of PDB entry 7oa7 (grey). (b) An AlphaFold2 model of the target (blue, r.m.s.d. 1.56 Å) superimposed on the of PDB entry 7oa7 (grey). (c) The AlphaFold2 model after slicing and MR with Slice'N'Dice (green, r.m.s.d. 0.26 Å, global mapCC 0.7) shown against the of PDB entry 7oa7 (grey). This figure was made using Moorhen ( |
3.2.2. Example 2: PDB entry 7rb4
PDB entry 7rb4 is a of peptono toxin solved by SAD. The closest hit in the PDB (PDB entry 1f0l) had only 26% sequence identity to the target and was insufficiently similar to work in MR, even when split with Slice'N'Dice (Fig. 5a). A model made by AlphaFold2 was poor quality overall (average pLDDT 61.02; Fig. 5
b). Indeed, simply splitting the model with default Slice'N'Dice failed to lead to a structure solution. Nonetheless, the combination of the removal of residues below a relaxed pLDDT threshold of 50 with splitting the model into three units, steps implemented together in Slice'N'Dice, led to structure solution (LLG 114, R factor 0.44, Rfree 0.47, mapCC 0.59; Fig. 5
c). This solution could be significantly improved by running 20 cycles of Buccaneer (Cowtan, 2006
), which increased the percentage of modelled residues from 34 to 74 (completeness by residues 0.74, R factor 0.23, Rfree 0.30, global mapCC 0.84; Fig. 5
![]() | Figure 5 (a) The closest match in the PDB to the target structure, PDB entry 1f0l (orange, r.m.s.d. 5.74 Å), superimposed on the of PDB entry 7rb4 (grey). (b) An AlphaFold2 model of the target coloured on a scale of orange to blue, where orange indicates a low pLDDT score (≤50) and blue indicates a high pLDDT score (≥90), superimposed (r.m.s.d. 3.19 Å) on the of PDB entry 7rb4 (grey). (c) The AlphaFold2 model after preprocessing, slicing and MR with Slice'N'Dice (green, r.m.s.d. 0.32 Å), shown against the of PDB entry 7rb4 (grey). (d) The placed AlphaFold2 model after 20 cycles of model building with Buccaneer (red, r.m.s.d. 0.14 Å, global mapCC 0.84) shown against the of PDB entry 7rb4 (grey). This figure was made using Moorhen. |
3.2.3. Example 3: PDB entry 7b9c
PDB entry 7b9c is a of a minimal splicing factor 3B (SF3B) core in complex with spliceostatin A solved by MR using PDB entries 5ife and 6en4 as search models. Despite highly similar homologues in the PDB, a model of SF3B subunit 1 deposited in the EBI AlphaFold Protein Structure Database (Varadi et al., 2022; UniProt ID O75533) was insufficiently similar to the target protein to succeed in MR (Fig. 6
a). The HEAT repeat region of SF3B is confidently predicted by AlphaFold2, but has been predicted to adopt a much tighter conformation than the Without reference to the solved structure, it would be unclear to the experimentalist where the model should be split manually in order for it to succeed in MR. However, the Slice'N'Dice automated slicing procedure was able to successfully slice the model into four structural units, of which three could be placed by MR (LLG 310) and used to solve the structure (Fig. 6
b). The scores were a little high (R factor 0.48, Rfree 0.51, local mapCC 0.8) due to the fact that the SF3B subunit 1 domain made up only 43.8% of the total scattering content. Nonetheless, this could be confirmed as a true solution using mapCC (global mapCC 0.47) and further underlined as such using ModelCraft (Bond & Cowtan, 2022
) to automatically rebuild the structure. ModelCraft was able to improve the model completeness from 35.7% to 77.1% and to improve the scores (R factor 0.328, Rfree 0.394). This example also demonstrates where the PAE approach can struggle due to a lack of distinguishable structural domains in the PAE/EPE plot (Fig. 6
![]() | Figure 6 (a) O75533, a model from the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database, coloured on a scale of orange to blue, where orange indicates a low pLDDT score (≤50) and blue indicates a high pLDDT score (≥90), aligned (r.m.s.d. 3.95 Å) with the SF3B core (chain C) from PDB entry 7b9c (grey). (b) O75533 after preprocessing, slicing and MR with Slice'N'Dice (green, r.m.s.d. 0.3 Å, global mapCC 0.47), shown against the SF3B core (chain C) from 7b9c (grey). This figure was made using Moorhen. (c) An EPE plot from AlphaFold3 for O75533. |
3.3. Map–model binary-classifier results
When adapting Slice'N'Dice EM, we encountered an issue with classifying a properly fitted model. In MR, output scores from programs can confidently indicate whether a model has been correctly positioned, as discussed in Section 2.3.1. However, in EM cases, while there are validation scores available, they could not be used to reliably determine placement success. This prompted the development of a logistic regression binary classifier for Slice'N'Dice, which evaluates the fitting positions of models based on several map–model scores (see Section 2
). The classifier produces a probability score between 0 and 1, with values closer to 1 indicating greater agreement between the model and the map. A cutoff value of 0.5 is set, with all values that are greater being given a success classification.
To assess the effect of the multiple feature inputs, classifiers trained on single features were compared against the classifier trained with all features. The classifier trained on all features outperformed the other classifiers, indicating a synergistic effect. Across all metrics, the `All features' classifier showed the best discriminatory power to classify the success and failure classes. From Fig. 7, it is apparent that the metrics of the FSC average classifier were greater than its counterparts and almost close to the `All features' classifier, yet it was surpassed on every metric except recall. A high recall and low precision indicate that the FSC classifier is producing more false positives than the `All features' classifier (Fig. 7
b). Such false positives could disproportionately negatively impact the overall success of Slice'N'Dice: incorrectly placed slices could block regions of the map and prevent the fitting of a potentially correct placement of another slice. To further assess the effect of multiple features, single features were systematically dropped, i.e. an ablation study was conducted. Interestingly, the choice to include `Resolution' as an input feature caused a marginal decrease in performance: an ROC AUC of 0.830 with resolution and 0.844 without resolution. After removing resolution as an input feature, each further feature that was dropped decreased the overall performance of the model. Taken together, these observations clearly illustrate the synergistic effect of the input features.
![]() | Figure 7 Classifier validation plots comparing an all-features classifier against classifiers trained on single features. (a) Confusion matrix for the entire data set (4438 rows of input features). (b) Classifier validation metrics for each classifier trained on single metrics against the classifier trained on all metrics comparing overall ROC AUC, F1 score, recall, precision and accuracy. (c) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for each classifier. ROC AUC, receiver operating characteristic area under the curve. |
The performance was then compared at high resolution (≤4 Å) or low resolution (>4 Å). Figs. 8(a) and 8
(b) show the confusion matrices from `high' and `low' resolution subsets of the testing data set, respectively. The proportion of the data that are false negatives remains fairly consistent between the two, although the proportion of false positives is higher in the low-resolution subset (26.4%) than the higher resolution subset (11.9%), presumably indicating the increased difficulty in assessing placements at low resolutions. Nonetheless, Slice'N'Dice still produces good results in the lower resolution range, as the examples below show.
![]() | Figure 8 Classifier validation plots. (a) Confusion matrix for a subset of the complete testing data set classified as `high' resolution (≤4 Å). (b) Confusion matrix for a subset of the complete training data set classified as `low' resolution (>4 Å). (c) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the resolution groups. (d) Classifier validation metrics for each resolution group, comparing overall ROC AUC, F1 score, recall, precision and accuracy. ROC AUC, receiver operating characteristic area under the curve. |
3.4. EM examples
3.4.1. Example 1: PDB entry 7ymt (EMDB entry EMD-33942)
EMDB entry EMD-33942 is a map of the MERS-CoV spike protein, with a reported global resolution of 6.55 Å (Gecht et al., 2022). The solved structure has PDB entry 7ymt. The map represents a protein trimer of the spike glycoprotein with a pseudo-symmetry of c3. Fig. 9
demonstrates the use of Slice'N'Dice by dividing the task into Slice and Dice. Slice, the model-splitting step, was run using two different clustering methods (BIRCH and k-means; Fig. 1
). The range of slices was set to between three and five. The four slices of the ColabFold monomer model made from k-means were selected to go forward into the Dice job, our automated map-fitting pipeline, but one was disconsidered because it was fragmented after pLDDT trimming and did not resemble a clear domain (Fig. 7
). Slice'N'Dice successfully managed to place six domains (from a total of 12) confidently into the map with a global cross-correlation (CC) score of 0.84 (Table 3
![]() | Figure 9 Pipeline following Slice'N'Dice, made possible by the CCP-EM software suite (Burnley et al., 2017 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
3.4.2. Example 2: PDB entry 8gtd (EMDB entry EMD-34250)
EMDB entry EMD-34250 is a map of a marine siphophage protein, with a global resolution reported to be 4.7 Å (Huang et al., 2023). The density file comprises four regions: the portal–adaptor complex, which consists of two of the four regions, the terminator and the tail tube. The solved structure (PDB entry 8gtd) for the portal–adaptor complex consists of a C12 formation of two distinct protein chains: the portal protein and the head-to-tail joining protein. As PDB entry 8gtd only corresponded to the portal–adapter complex, the terminator and tail tube were manually removed from the map using ChimeraX Segger (Pintilie et al., 2010
). In the original paper, the solved structure was generated using the trRosetta server (Du et al., 2021
) and the placements were manually fitted into a map file using UCSF ChimeraX (Pettersen et al., 2021
). A target such as this with many chains is an ideal candidate for automated model preparation and map fitting. Each chain was sliced twice using the BIRCH clustering algorithm in Slice'N'Dice. Splitting each chain into two domains allowed Slice'N'Dice to more accurately place these models by accounting for inter-domain orientation issues that had arisen during modelling. The final CC was 0.48 and out of a possible 48 slices, Slice'N'Dice was successful in placing 45 with one false positive (Fig. 10
![]() | Figure 10 Results output from a Slice'N'Dice job. (a) PDB entry 8gtd chains A (a) and B (b) were generated using ColabFold (Mirdita et al., 2022 ![]() |
3.4.3. Example 3: PDB entry 8bx5 (EMDB entry EMD-16308)
EMDB entry EMD-16308 is a map of a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Alvinella pompejana (De Gieter et al., 2023) with a global resolution reported as 4.2 Å. The density file represents a homopentamer.
The ColabFold (Mirdita et al., 2022) model generated was a close match to the deposited model (PDB entry 8bx5) although residues 308–412 were not visible in the map (De Gieter et al., 2023
). Slice'N'Dice was run with the default BIRCH clustering method and sliced the model into four. Among the four slices, the two largest (Fig. 11
) were fitted into the map successfully, filling most of the available map. The success can be witnessed by the dark green result model (Fig. 11
c), denoting a high confidence score (∼0.99 per placement; Fig. 11
c). Additionally, the two slices corresponding to residues 308–412 were successfully rejected (∼0.37 per placement). This showcases the ability of Slice'N'Dice to differentiate between models that are present and absent in the density. Overall, Slice'N'Dice fitted six out of nine possible placements and the final CC was 0.71.
![]() | Figure 11 PDB entry 8bx5 was generated using ColabFold (Mirdita et al., 2022 ![]() |
4. Graphical user interfaces for Slice'N'Dice
Access to all of the controlling parameters of the program can be made from the command line. Slice'N'Dice has also been integrated into several graphical user interfaces (GUIs) provided by the CCP4 and CCP-EM suites.
4.1. Moorhen interface
Moorhen ( is a React-based web-enabled molecular-graphics interface to the Coot interactive model-building application (Emsley et al., 2010). An interface for Slice'N'Dice has been added into Moorhen (Fig. 12
). To facilitate the use of the clustering algorithms in a web environment, the clustering methods used in Slice'N'Dice were implemented using the C++ programming language. The resulting library was then compiled into WebAssembly using Emscripten (Zakai, 2011
) and a custom React-based interface was created to let users execute the following clustering algorithms: BIRCH (Zhang et al., 1997
), agglomerative (Murtagh & Contreras, 2012
), k-means (Lloyd, 1982
) and PAE clustering (Oeffner et al., 2022
). The resulting plugin is available in Moorhen and can be used to `slice' molecules into distinct domains. Additionally, prior to this clustering, users can define a threshold by which residues in the input model can be trimmed based on their B factor or pLDDT values. This residue trimming is performed using the GEMMI library (Wojdyr, 2022
), which was also compiled using Emscripten. Moorhen is integrated into CCP4 Cloud (Krissinel et al., 2022
) and Doppio (Burnley et al., 2023
) and will soon be available through CCP4i2 (Potterton et al., 2018
![]() | Figure 12 The Slice'N'Dice interface in Moorhen was used to `slice' PDB entry 8ewh into four distinct slices using the BIRCH algorithm. No B factor trimming was applied before clustering. |
An advantage of the more interactive, graphically driven approach implemented in Moorhen is that it allows a user to tweak the trimming threshold visually. This can subsequently influence the clustering of the atoms to produce a different splitting of the model depending on the trimming threshold that has been selected. It also allows the user to see the effect of choosing different numbers of slices, helping to isolate the optimum number of slices required for success in MR. In both CCP4 Cloud and Doppio, sliced models created using Moorhen are automatically saved and made available to any subsequent MR or map-fitting application.
4.2. CCP4 and CCP-EM interfaces
Slice'N'Dice is available through both the CCP4 (Agirre et al., 2023) and CCP-EM software suites. It has been incorporated into three CCP4/CCP-EM graphical user interfaces (GUIs): CCP4i2 (Potterton et al., 2018
), CCP4 Cloud and Doppio (Fig. 13
). These provide interfaces for slicing models (Slice), for automated map fitting (Dice) and for model slicing followed by automated MR or automated map fitting (Slice'N'Dice). For MX use, Slice'N'Dice on the command line allows users to select more runtime options, but the CCP4 interfaces provide a quick and easy way to run Slice'N'Dice. For EM use, all functionality is available through the Doppio interface.
![]() | Figure 13 Screenshots of the CCP4 and CCP-EM GUIs. (a) CCP4i2 interface page for Slice'N'Dice. (b) CCP4 Cloud interface page for Slice'N'Dice. Doppio (Burnley et al., 2023 ![]() |
5. Discussion and conclusions
Slice'N'Dice offers an easy and automated means to address cases where the conformation of a structure prediction, especially in terms of inter-domain orientations, differs significantly from that of the target.
For crystallographers, Slice'N'Dice can significantly improve the chance of MR success. Here, we showed that clustering algorithms can be used to identify distinct structural units within a model that may not be immediately obvious when visually inspecting the structure. Currently, the default clustering algorithm used by Slice'N'Dice is BIRCH (Zhang et al., 1996). While BIRCH has performed well throughout the development stage of Slice'N'Dice, alternatives will be benchmarked in the future, potentially including clustering methods such as SWORD2 (Cretin et al., 2022
), DCI (Kumar et al., 2022
), Merizo (Lau et al., 2023
) and Chainsaw (Wells et al., 2024
), as well as alternative clustering methods provided by scikit-learn. We will also look at the combination of clustering methods in a consensus strategy. DCI, using predicted motions for definition of structural units, might be particularly relevant given that the dynamic properties of multi-domain proteins underlie some of the difficulties that Slice'N'Dice is designed to address. We are also aware that clustering in combination with the removal of low-confidence residues can occasionally leave disconnected fragments (Fig. 6
b): recognizing that these might impact on the packing of solutions, we will explore methods to identify and eliminate these.
For cryoEM practitioners, Slice'N'Dice EM offers an automatic solution for map fitting and assessing model placements within a single pipeline. The map–model binary classifier generally differentiates well between correct and incorrect fits, although the EM example PDB entry 8gtd illustrates a false-positive placement that was included (Section 3.2.1). In the Doppio interface, individual placed slices are coloured by probability score, so that false positives are often visually apparent as they typically have lower scores than the other correct placements. However, the ultimate goal must be to reduce false positives/negatives. To make further improvements, a larger training data set is being created with the aim of enhancing the performance of the classifier with challenging cases such as small single α-helical slices. When developing the classifier, an assumption was that the resolution would have been useful information for the classifier. However, the results proved otherwise, and the classifier performance improved when resolution was not given as an input variable. There are at least two possible reasons for this observation. Firstly, at lower resolution there could be more errors in the deposited structures used as reference structures to generate the target variables. Alternatively, it could be that the global resolution was misleading in some cases, i.e. that providing global resolution as input does not provide accurate information about the local resolution surrounding the placement. It was observed that the classifier discriminates better when working with maps of a higher resolution than lower resolution (Fig. 8
). A future development point could be to calculate the average local resolution of the area around a docked slice and provide this information to an improved classifier. Another point could be to explore the usefulness of Slice'N'Dice EM for cryo-electron tomography (cryoET). In this manuscript, we focused on single-particle analysis for the cryoEM examples, but due to the ability of Slice'N'Dice to perform well at lower resolutions (>4 Å; Fig. 8
b) it will be useful for automated model building with subtomogram averages. Finally, we will also explore the use of em_placement and emplace_local (Millán et al., 2023
) as alternative map-fitting methods for cryoEM and cryoET.
As we were writing this manuscript, AlphaFold3 was released. Whilst AlphaFold3 is an improvement on AlphaFold2, it may still mis-predict relative domain conformations (Abramson et al., 2024). Slice'N'Dice is compatible with AlphaFold3 output models and the accompanying expected position error information (comparable to the PAEs of AlphaFold2), and should therefore remain useful for MR/map fitting.
6. Related literature
The following references are cited in the supporting information for this article: Brown et al. (2015), Farabella et al. (2015
), Fontana et al. (2022
), van Heel & Schatz (2005
), Joseph et al. (2017
), wwwPDB Consortium (2024
) and Yamashita et al. (2021
Supporting information
Supplementary information for cryo-EM part of paper including a description of machine-learning implementation. DOI:
‡These authors contributed equally to this work.
Funding information
This research was supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant BB/S007105/1 (DJR) and by CCP4 collaborative framework funding for AJS. LE's studentship is co-funded by CCP-EM.
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