issue contents
August 2013 issue

Cover illustration: RBcel1, a metagenome-derived psychrotolerant family GH5 endoglucanase (Delsaute et al., p. 828).

structural communications
Three-dimensional structure of RBcel1, a metagenome-derived psychrotolerant family GH5 endoglucanase
The crystal structure of the psychrotolerant endoclucanase RBcel1, an enzyme implicated in bacterial cellulose synthesis, has been determined to 1.4 Å resolution.
PDB reference: RBcel1, 4ee9
The crystal structure of DusC from E. coli was determined at 2.1 Å resolution.
PDB reference: EcoDusC, 3w9z
The crystal structure of Na-GST-3 from the human hookworm parasite N. americanus is reported.
PDB reference: Na-GST-3, 3w8s
The crystal structure of 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase from S. meliloti has been determined to 1.93 Å resolution. It is compared with that of 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase from S. morelense and the significance of the observed open conformation of the active site is discussed.
PDB reference: 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase, 4koa
Endo-β-1,4-galactanase from E. nidulans crystallized in the presence of 0.2 M zinc acetate contains 15 zinc ions.
PDB reference: endo-β-1,4-galactanase, 4bf7
The crystal structure of the first zebrafish caspase-recruitment domain at 1.47 Å resolution illustrates a six-helix bundle fold similar to that of the human NLRP1 CARD.
PDB reference: zIGBP1 CARD, 4irl
crystallization communications
The preliminary crystallographic analysis of neuraminidase N2 from influenza virus A/Myanmar/M187/2007 is reported. The crystals belonged to space group P212121, with four monomers per asymmetric unit.
Selenophosphate synthetases from L. major and T. brucei were crystallized for the first time using limited proteolysis and microbatch techniques and suitable crystals for X-ray diffraction experiments were obtained.
The staphylococcal α-haemolysin H35A mutant has been cloned, expressed and crystallized. The crystals belonged to space group P61, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 151.3, c = 145.0 Å.
P. cuspidatum bifunctional chalcone synthase/benzalacetone synthase was crystallized in the presence of the product and diffraction data were collected to 2.0 Å resolution.

The putative small terminase protein from the thermostable bacteriophage G20C has been produced, purified and crystallized.
Cyanuric acid hydrolase has been crystallized with the bound inhibitor barbituric acid and diffraction data were collected to 2.7 Å resolution.
Spermidine acetyltransferase (SAT) from E. coli catalyses the transfer of acetyl groups from acetyl-CoA to spermidine. SAT was crystallized and the crystals contained four molecules in the asymmetric unit.
Nitroalkane oxidase from P. aeruginosa was purified and crystallized. A complete data set was collected to 1.9 Å resolution.
Two crystal forms of β-carbonic anhydrase psCA3 from P. aeruginosa were grown. Crystal form A belonged to space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 81.9, b = 84.9, c = 124.2 Å, and diffracted X-rays to 2.9 Å resolution; crystal form B belonged to space group P21212, with unit-cell parameters a = 69.9, b = 77.7, c = 88.5 Å, and diffracted X-rays to 3.0 Å resolution.
The bacterial cell-division protein FtsA from methicillin-resistant S. aureus was crystallized and X-ray diffraction data were collected to a resolution of 2.3 Å.
The α subdomain of Lon protease from B. thermoruber WR-249 has been expressed, purified and crystallized. Preliminary X-ray diffraction experiments have been undertaken.
The crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the MxaJ protein of the mox operon from the marine bacterium M. aminisulfidivorans MPT is reported.

The enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD; hydroxymethylbilane synthase; EC catalyses a key early step in the biosynthesis of tetrapyrroles in which four molecules of the monopyrrole porphobilinogen are condensed to form a linear tetrapyrrole. PBGD from B. megaterium was expressed and the enzyme was crystallized in a form which diffracts synchrotron radiation to high resolution.
The expression and crystallization of the extracellular sensory domain of DraK are reported.
The cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of a novel AB5 toxin EcxAB are described.
The human TRAF4 TRAF domain was crystallized. The crystals were found to belong to the hexagonal space group P32, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 147.17, c = 202.69 Å. The crystals were obtained at 293 K and diffracted to a resolution of 4.2 Å.
A putative lipase (CpsLip) from C. psychrerythraea strain 34H was expressed, purified and characterized. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of CpsLip were performed.
The pac gene encoding penicillin G acylase from K. citrophila was cloned and a slow-processing site-directed mutant was prepared, expressed, purified and crystallized. Triclinic and monoclinic crystal forms were obtained which diffracted to 2.5 and 3.5 Å resolution, respectively.
Crystals of the β-pore-forming toxin monalysin from the Drosophila pathogen P. entomophila grown from PEG solutions were monoclinic (space group C2) and diffracted to 2.85 Å resolution.
An alanine dehydrogenase from B. megaterium WSH-002 was expressed in E. coli and purified. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the recombinant enzyme were performed.

Soybean mature glycinin was purified and crystallized and its preliminary crystallographic analysis is also reported.
Hepatitis B virus-like particles consisting of core protein dimers fused to EGFP were expressed, purified and crystallized. The crystals diffracted to 2.8 Å resolution.
B. circulans T-3040 cycloisomaltooligosaccharide glucanotransferase was overexpressed in E. coli in two forms and crystallized by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method.